H9 Faulty Hotknob?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H9 Faulty Hotknob?

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    • #116168

      The Hotknob / jogwheel on my H9 seems to have stopped working and I have to use an ipad or usb link to change presets etc. got latest firmware etc. has this happened to any one else and what is the fix?

    • #156197
      Eventide Staff

        Please give more information:

        what did you do.

        What did you see.

        What did you expect to see.


      • #156199
        Eventide Staff

          My first guess would be that the knob fixing clamp is loose, so the knob spins freely and does nothing.

          You could look at https://www.eventideaudio.com/community/forum/stompboxes/h9-encoder-knob-keeps-falling for instructions to reset the knob.

          If this does not do it, support@eventide.com


        • #156198
          nickrose wrote:

          Please give more information:

          what did you do.

          What did you see.

          What did you expect to see.


          When I press the big black button affectionately known as the hotknob nothing happens and I don’t feel or hear a click, likewise the jogwheel does not change any settings and the red lights don’t move. This worked intermittently for a while but now nothing suggesting a faulty switch or dry connection.

        • #156201
          nickrose wrote:

          My first guess would be that the knob fixing clamp is loose, so the knob spins freely and does nothing.

          You could look at https://www.eventideaudio.com/community/forum/stompboxes/h9-encoder-knob-keeps-falling for instructions to reset the knob.

          If this does not do it, support@eventide.com


          That fixed it, thankyou

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