H9 Freezing up

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    • #149512
      Eventide Staff

        Make sure that you are using the Eventide power supply.

        Can you change presets using the H9 only with the phone disconnected ?

        Does this apply to all presets, or just some of them ?


      • #114798

        Recently my H9 Max has been freezing up when using my iPhone 5S to change presets. Once it is frozen, the preset can’t be changed manually by the H9’s pedal controls nor the iPhone’s. I have to either unplug the H9 or close out the App on the phone and restart. This has just been a recent development. I haven’t done any changes to either the phone or the H9 before this started. This freezing has happened when changing presets via Lists or just browsing through the Algorithms section of the app.

        Any ideas?

      • #149530

        I am using the Eventide power supply. There seems to be no pattern when the system freezes. Neither the H9 hardware controls nor the iPhone app will work. I must disconnect the power cord and plug it back in.

      • #149531

        The phone seems to be the cause of the freezes. A manual adjustment or change of preset so far hasn’t caused an issue, but I haven’t checked this as rigorously as with the phone.

        • #149535
          Eventide Staff
            Mark Mahoney wrote:
            The phone seems to be the cause of the freezes. A manual adjustment or change of preset so far hasn't caused an issue, but I haven't checked this as rigorously as with the phone.

            Which version of H9 Control are you using? Can you reproduce this problem and tell us the steps so we can try to fix it?

        • #149545

          H9 controkl version is 2.9.4

          I will try and duplicate the issue tonight or tomorrow.

          • #149554
            Eventide Staff
              Mark Mahoney wrote:

              H9 control version is 2.9.4. I will try and duplicate the issue tonight or tomorrow.

              Please update your H9 Control app and see if you can reproduce this issue. If you can, let us know how.

          • #149593

            The update seems to have cleared the issue. Thanks for your response to my problem.

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