H9 in 500 series format

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    • #114716

        Hi, my use of the H9 is mostly in the studio as an effect unit for tracking guitars and synths. I don’t regret going with the H9 max as it is great bang for the buck and does not require buying or get obsoleted new when updating the DAW host OS for example.

        I have since gone the route for OTB signal processing in 500 format for EQ and dynamics and plan to route those lowZmic level signals through the 1/4 TRS plugs of the H9. 

        Desktop integration by editing saving presents through the GUI works fine so for further convenience I’m wondering …

        Are there any plan to release the H9 / H9 max in the 500 series form factor?


      • #149107

          There is a guy that will make one for you- Sascha.


        • #149113

            Thanks for the post. I didn’t realize that 500 series for synths and pro audio are two different animals. the synth ones have all the connections in the front using patch cables whereas the pro audio stuff typically includes TRS / XLR in- and outputs in the back.  

            Looks like these are made for the synth kind or am i missing something?


            I’d still like someone from Eventide audio to chime in on the subject. A H9 max probably has a decent resale value …

          • #149114
              raal71 wrote:

              Are there any plan to release the H9 / H9 max in the 500 series form factor?

              No, we haven't been considering this.  We were pretty disappointed by the sales of the one 500 series product we released, the DDL-500, and as a result, we haven't been discussing further products for the 500 series.

              • #149138


                  No, we haven’t been considering this.  We were pretty disappointed by the sales of the one 500 series product we released, the DDL-500, and as a result, we haven’t been discussing further products for the 500 series.


                  Oh well, I guess i’ll continue using my trusty H9 as a studio effect processor then. I admit i don’t have much information on the DDL but would think that a mutlieffect processor like the H9 still has a spot in many home studios given the 500 series buzz going on at this time ….

              • #149117

                  Speaking of the Eventide DDL-500 series delay, I think it is the best, most amazing delay I’ve ever heard–even better than my H8000 at the time when I compared delays on the two, and way better than any competitor’s. But I had to send it back (two of them) because there weren’t enough options on it for me for live use. But what a sound and what punch! I hope you can come out with a version of the 500 delay in any form that makes it more ideal for live use–with footswitch tap tempo, full midi control–the typical stuff that the H9 thru H9000’s have or will have for live use, and with that same unequaled sound and punch of the current DDL-500.

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