H9 Looper issue

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    • #114733

      Hi All, 

      So I am trying to loop from my keyboard to the H9 Max. It loops but it seems to add about a half measure to the end so there is silence between the end of the musical phrase and when the looper reloops. I am new to the pedal so maybe it is just a setting. This is for a live show. Thanks. 

    • #149199

        There is no way of knowing how you have the Looper algorithm parameters configured, or exactly how the keyboard routed to the H9.  What is the brand / model of the keyboard?

        Is the keyboard capable of transmitting MIDI Clock?  One MIDI cable; keyboard MIDI Out to H9 MIDI In.  A couple of parameter settings on either side of that cable.  Perfect sync.  You’re going to want this for almost any algorithm … most certainly for looping.

        Here’s all of the Looper information in one place.  It’s a little difficult to absorb all of the nuances in a casual read.  But it makes more sense after a couple of passes; especially with some H9 hands-on mixed in.  https://com-eventide-drupaluserfiles.s3.amazonaws.com/download/file/Looper.pdf

        • #149208

          The keyboard is a Nord Electro 5d. I will have to buy a midi cable and try it out. I tried many combinations of the looper parameters on the H9 max which is connected by a 1/4 trs cable to the output of the keyboard. I have an Ernie Ball VP JR pedal connected from the H9 max output to the expression pedal jack. Midi has always been confusing to me as I am not that great with electronics and programming.  . I mostly play acoustic instruments. 

      • #149209

          Well don’t get too crazy. Are you even using MIDI clock then?


          Step 1- screenshot the preset you are talking about and post it here.

          Step 2- tell us what you are trying to do.. and how you are trying to do it. 

          Step 10- buy new gear 🙂

          • #149212
              camn wrote:
              Well don’t get too crazy. Are you even using MIDI clock then? …

              Yeah, I had a long glance at the Nord Electro5 documentation last night, camn.  Killer keyboard, but I could see no mention of MIDI Clock transmit / receive, tempo, … Of course, no “standard” MIDI Implementation Chart that I could find.  I guess it makes sense from an acoustic / mechanical emulation POV.

              Any kind of MIDI control over Rec, Play, Stop, and other parameters would have to be via MIDI CC.  Certainly possible, but the strict ‘sync’ between devices might have to be hand / foot controlled.  The sources will depends on whether agordon prefers triggering the Looper on the H9, by KB control, foot pedal, etc.

            • #149218

              Thanks for looking into that. I was hoping to use this for a gig. I’ll have to wait until the gig is over before returning to it. Thanks. 

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