Home Forums Products Stompboxes H9 MAX TRANSFER

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    • #115176

        Hi Eventide Community,


        I recently sold my H9 MAX Stomp Box on ebay and I want to transfer all my purchased alogorithems to the buyer. I purchased the Stompabox alogorrithems through the Apple Store. Do you have a easy and efficant way to transfer accounts over to the new user? 

        Thank you

      • #151112
        Eventide Staff
          kdoyle2978 wrote:

          I recently sold my H9 MAX Stomp Box on ebay and I want to transfer all my purchased alogorithems to the buyer. I purchased the Stompabox alogorrithems through the Apple Store. Do you have a easy and efficant way to transfer accounts over to the new user? 

          Is your H9 a Core, Harmonizer, or Max? If it was a Core or a Harmonizer when you first bought it, have you maxed out your H9?

        • #151123

            It’s the H9 Harmonizer that I Maxed out a few years ago.

            • #151124
                kdoyle2978 wrote:

                It's the H9 Harmonizer that I Maxed out a few years ago.

                Well, after you max out an H9, it remains a Max even when registered to a new user.  So, just deregister the H9 from your account before you send it to the new owner, and he'll have no problem registering it to his own account and using it as a Max.

            • #151125

                Sounds Good,


                Could you go over the approirate steps in order to deregister and register the H9 for my records.


                Thank you

              • #151126

                  It’s a choice in H9 control.
                  I’ve attached a screenshot.

                • #151128


                    Thank you very much!


                  • #151130

                      I had another question regarding all the algorithms I purchased. I would like to transfer the algorithms to the new Eventide customer.

                      • #151132
                        Eventide Staff
                          kdoyle2978 wrote:

                          I had another question regarding all the algorithms I purchased. I would like to transfer the algorithms to the new Eventide customer.

                          Since the unit is already a Max, after registering it with his new Eventide account, he will get all algorithms.

                        • #151134
                            kdoyle2978 wrote:

                            I had another question regarding all the algorithms I purchased. I would like to transfer the algorithms to the new Eventide customer.

                            Also, algorithm purchases aren't transferable.  If you sell your iPhone or Android phone to someone, you can't transfer all the apps you've purchased to them, and algorithm purchases are just an in app purchase.  So, the same rules apply.

                          • #151137
                              gkellum wrote:

                              kdoyle2978 wrote:

                              I had another question regarding all the algorithms I purchased. I would like to transfer the algorithms to the new Eventide customer.

                              Also, algorithm purchases aren’t transferable.  If you sell your iPhone or Android phone to someone, you can’t transfer all the apps you’ve purchased to them, and algorithm purchases are just an in app purchase.  So, the same rules apply.

                              Eventide team

                              This type of question has come up several times on this forum. Would it not be easier to re-write the section in the H9 manual (or add a chart) expicitly stating what happens to the algorithms when you deactivate your account or sell your pedal on? 

                            • #151138
                                benriddell wrote:

                                Eventide team

                                This type of question has come up several times on this forum. Would it not be easier to re-write the section in the H9 manual (or add a chart) expicitly stating what happens to the algorithms when you deactivate your account or sell your pedal on? 

                                Yeah, that's a good suggestion. It should be in the manual and on the FAQ page.

                            • #151519

                                Hi.  Unfortunately, I shipped my H9 Max before I could Unregister it. So doing it from the H9 edit program will not work.  Is their another way that I can do this aside from having my buyer send it back to me?



                                P.S. – I missed my H9 so much that within a week, I bought another H9 core… <sheesh>

                                • #151526
                                  Eventide Staff
                                    mdorren wrote:

                                    Hi.  Unfortunately, I shipped my H9 Max before I could Unregister it. So doing it from the H9 edit program will not work.  Is their another way that I can do this aside from having my buyer send it back to me?

                                    P.S. – I missed my H9 so much that within a week, I bought another H9 core… <sheesh>

                                    Email support@eventide.com your account name and serial number that you'd like to deregister

                                • #184515



                                    I realise this is an old thread 😉


                                    i’m about to put my H9 Max for sale.


                                    I deregistered thew H9 from the Eventide website first.


                                    Later i was reading this and some other stuff, but now i can’t deregister from the H9 Control app anymore.


                                    I suppose this is OK – it isn’t registered anymore after all (since I deregistered thew H9 from the Eventide website)

                                    Or, will there be a problem after the sale in the app ??


                                    Thanks in advance,



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