H9 Midi CC#

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    • #114493

      I’m new to the H9 after comning from a Strymon platform so be gentle with me 😉 Is there a chart somewhere for any Midi CC# numbers so I can target them via my Boss ES 5 if need be? At the moment I’m wanting to program one of my footwitiches to be a Tap Temp switch for the 2 H9s I have

    • #147856

      Well, in H9 Control if you click on the Pedal Settings button in the bottom menubar, click on MIDI Settings and click on 'Assign MIDI CC messages to pedal functions' that shows you what the current mappings are from MIDI CC messages to pedal functions.  You can also adjust the mappings there to be whatever you'd like.

    • #147918

      I’m just concerned that I may pick a CC# that is being used elsewhere and clash etc. I’m not tthat familier with midi but have some knowledge. At the the momemt my control app says ‘no mappings’ in the area you mentioned so does that mean I can select any number now?

      • #147922
        Savvy_David wrote:

        I'm just concerned that I may pick a CC# that is being used elsewhere and clash etc. I'm not tthat familier with midi but have some knowledge. At the the momemt my control app says 'no mappings' in the area you mentioned so does that mean I can select any number now?

        Well, that screen in H9 Control shows you all of the active assignments on the right side of the screen if you're using it on a tablet or a computer.  On a phone there's not enough space to show the assignments.  So, you can use that to see if CC 0 or CC 127 is already assigned, but I don't believe by default they are.

    • #147920

      Sorry maybe this will explain my confusion. When turning on and activating presets I’ve always used CC# 0 for off or CC#127 to turn on. So my worry about clashing CC# is stemmed from these two I know of?

    • #147925

      I maybe getting confused here but I thought CC#  0 and 127 were default settings for turning on and off presets, even on Strymons? I’m gonna have to take a look again later

      • #147926
        Savvy_David wrote:

        I maybe getting confused here but I thought CC#  0 and 127 were default settings for turning on and off presets, even on Strymons? I'm gonna have to take a look again later

        Well, a MIDI CC has 3 numbers: the MIDI channel, the continuous control channel, and the value.  Are you talking about the continuous control channel or the value?  A value of 0 is interpretted as off by the H9 and 127 is interpretted as on.  In my post above I thought you were talking about configuring the continuous control channels 0 and 127 to increment or decrement presets, which is a different thing…

    • #147927

      I guess I must be talking about the value as that was what I was doing when programming my ES 5 when targeting the strymons presets via MIDI. So much to take in it feels sometimes 🙁

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