H9 MIDI Clock issue

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    • #114560

      Hi I’m hoping someone can help me with this

      I have an H9 which use for my delays. It’s receiving MIDI clock from my RJM PBC MIDI controller.

      While the H9 receives the clock correctly, as soon as my MIDI controller sends a new tempo to the H9, I get weird delay noises as the H9 adjusts to the new tempo.

      This there a setting on the H9 where I can set it not to do this? I’ve never had this issue with my other delay pedals before.


    • #148210
      Eventide Staff

        If you change a delay time with signal going through it  you get a pitch shift (this is how time domain pitch shifters work), which will typically give you a "whoop" sounds.

        Many of our algorithms crossfade between the new and old delay values to avoid this, but some of them ("Tape Delay" for example) allow it as part of the effect.

        You don't say what algorithm(s) you are using.


      • #148245

        Thanks for your reply Nick

        This “issue” is happening on all delay aglorithms I have set up. Some are presets I’ve downloaded from other users, and some are just presets that came with the H9.

        • #148249
          Eventide Staff
            andrewqchen wrote:

            Thanks for your reply Nick

            This "issue" is happening on all delay aglorithms I have set up. Some are presets I've downloaded from other users, and some are just presets that came with the H9.

            Can you name a number of Factory Presets which do this that you feel should not ?



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