H9 Midi over Bluetooth: Any updates?

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      Is there any updates whether this has been implemented? As I understand from the thread below, Eventide needed to add something to H9 control to make it work, has it been done?




    • #141676

        Well, we added a feature to select a MIDI Output device inside H9 Control and send the MIDI data from that device to a connected H9.

        Some users wanted us to add a feature where H9 Control itself creates a virtual MIDI port which could be selected in another app and which could be used to send MIDI to an H9 through H9 Control.  We did actually implement this, but when we were testing it internally, we found that it was causing a lot of problems and we disabled it.  From what I remember, it was causing problems to have H9 Control run in the background mode while it was still connected over Bluetooth to an H9;  when it was running in the background, the Bluetooth connection sometimes would get messed up and that sort of defeated the purpose of the feature.

      • #141677

        Thanks. Please keep that feature on the to-do list for future updates.

        I don’t see the setting you mentioned though. In my H9 settings, it shows “H9_5.2.0[1] Production Release”, and looks like there is a new update “H9_5.2.0[1]p Production Release”. Is it in that update? or am I looking at the wrong place? 

        thanks again.

      • #141678

          It's not under 'Pedal'; it's under 'Settings' in H9 Control.  It's labeled 'Connect MIDI Device to Eventide Device'.

          You shouldn't need to update your H9 for this feature to work…

        • #141681

          Thanks. I guess I need that virtual midi port to achieve what I want to do. 

          Currently, I control H9 via Softstep (SS). 

          SS is sending midi to its host application running on my computer, SS host app sends it to Roland Um-one usb midi device, which is connected to H9.

          All works fine. I thought I could eliminate cable connection from my computer to H9 by sending midi over bluetooth. Since Um-one is no longer connected to H9, H9 wouldn’t know where to read from. Data sent to Um-one from SS host app needs to be looped back by something, which would have been the H9 control virtaul midi port. 

          Am I right?

          Very confusing without a drawing.

          • #141682
              neckhumbucker wrote:

              Currently, I control H9 via Softstep (SS). 

              SS is sending midi to its host application running on my computer, SS host app sends it to Roland Um-one usb midi device, which is connected to H9.

              Doesn't SoftStep's host app create a virtual midi port?  I think I tested this feature with some version of the SoftStep, and I might be misremembering but I thought it created a virtual MIDI port which could then be selected in H9 Control and sent to the H9 over Bluetooth…  Maybe, I'm thinking of the IK Multimedia Blueboard…

          • #141683

            Yes. SS adds a port called SSCOM. I just tried it. But looks like H9 control and SS host app are fighting over the port. 

            If I start SS host app first, then H9 Control, H9 control says ” H9 control cannot open midi on port SSCOM”;

            If I start H9 control first, then SS host app, SS host app can’t connect to SS, status stays as disconnected.

             I am wondering if this is a limitation on Windows, I am using win 8.1.

            • #141684
                neckhumbucker wrote:

                 I am wondering if this is a limitation on Windows, I am using win 8.1.

                Yeah, that sounds like a reasonable explanation.  On Windows only one app can open up a MIDI port at a time.  Someone posted on the forums a few weeks ago that this is no longer true in Windows 10; with Windows 10 multiple apps can connect to a MIDI port…  I haven't had a chance to try that out myself though.  So, I can't verify that that's true…

            • #141685

              Oh wait. I think SSCOM is the SS physical port. Becuase it doesn’t show up when SS is physically disconneted and SS host app is running. 


            • #141686

              If it is a limitation of Windows, I am sure there is a workaround. (It is the beauty of PC, as opposed closed system of Mac)

              What if I install midi yoke and create a virtual midi port , make SS host app send data to that yoke port, and select that same port in H9 control. Would it work?

              The thign is that I use SS to control other devices too, so I’d need to install Midi-ox to route midi data from yoke port to Um-one. That means I need to run 4 apps, and stability may be an issue.


              • #141687
                  neckhumbucker wrote:

                  What if I install midi yoke and create a virtual midi port , make SS host app send data to that yoke port, and select that same port in H9 control. Would it work?

                  Yeah, that should work… I've never used midi yoke in particular, but that sounds promising…

              • #141688

                Will try it. Many thanks for your help.

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