H9 MIDI Question OMNI Receive Slow vs Individual Channel

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    • #114284

        I just started using MIDI and have noticed that when I set the receive channel to OMNI there is a delay between when I send the PC to the H9 Receiving it.


        If I switch the receive channel to 1 or 3 for example the change is almost instant.  Not really a problem with only the H9 but when I add another Factor Pedal on a different Channel, my expression Pedal can only send over one channel.


        Is the speed difference a MIDI issue or an H9 issue?






      • #146895
        Eventide Staff

          Sorry, it's not obvious. The H9 should not care, but I can't see that it is MIDI issue either. Do you have anything before the H9 ?


        • #146897

            I have it hooked up with a 1 foot Midi Cable to my MFC-101 foot controler.  I also have a Time Factor and the delay in the display update was much less.  I have time to play with it today and will give more info later.  Thanks for the reply

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