H9 Midi vs Expression

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    • #114750

        Hi Everyone!

        Can the H9 be used purely with an expression pedal using only MIDI (e.g. Source Audio Reflex)?

        Or does it require the regular expression (via TRS) to control some parameters?

        For instance:

        Creating a Wah or Whammy* effect. When the TRS is plugged in it works as you would hope. But can this also be achieved JUST using MIDI?


        *Whammy = heel down just passes through the regular guitar sound. Toe down pitch shifts the signal up 2 octaves.


        Hope this makes sense. Thank you.

      • #149291

          Yes, I use a MIDI expression pedal and it works just as well as a TRS one.

          • #149296
              mistercharlie wrote:
              Yes, I use a MIDI expression pedal and it works just as well as a TRS one.

              How do you set it up this way? If you please could point me in the right direction would be appreciated.

              I can see in the manual where it assigns cc messages to controls.. starting at 22 for the first control. But i cant see anything that explains how to map to the functions controlled by the expression pedals trs connection. Im new to this as you can tell 🙂


            • #149298
              Eventide Staff
                AndrewWhitfield wrote:
                mistercharlie wrote:
                Yes, I use a MIDI expression pedal and it works just as well as a TRS one.

                How do you set it up this way? If you please could point me in the right direction would be appreciated. I can see in the manual where it assigns cc messages to controls.. starting at 22 for the first control. But I cant see anything that explains how to map to the functions controlled by the expression pedals TRS connection. I'm new to this as you can tell 🙂 Thanks.

                Press and hold the HOTKNOB and the right footswitch to go into the setting mode: MIDI -> RCV.CTL (CC message receive control) -> EXP.— -> set a CC message

                If you use H9 Control (highly recommend it if you haven't), please see attachments. 

            • #149295
                AndrewWhitfield wrote:
                … Can the H9 be used purely with an expression pedal using only MIDI (e.g. Source Audio Reflex)? …

                I’d just like to add:  That particular MIDI pedal also features LFOs, transmitting MIDI CC.  If you end up exploring that route, it’s possible to overload the H9 MIDI Input (lots of continuous data).  Especially if you’re controlling multiple H9 parameters at once, transmitting multiple CCs, or using very rapid rates.

                The Reflex will transmit other MIDI messages:  Aftertouch (unsupported in the H9), and Pitch Bend.  The latter is ‘double-precision’ (like the CCs).  It can be useful for smooth pitch shifts and it’s ‘return-to-center’ capability (not as useful with the MIDI expression pedal).  I find that easier to nail with a ‘tighter’ treadle adjustment.

              • #149302

                  Thank you very much for the replies! Appreciate it.

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