H9 – mode to use right footswitch to cue presets

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H9 – mode to use right footswitch to cue presets

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    • #170344

        I have recently acquired an H9. Somehow the pedal got into a mode that prevents me from using the right footswitch to cue presets. I have read the manual and it haven’t been able to find answer to what is probably a simple question. How do I return the H9 to the mode that allows me to use the right footswitch to cue presets?

      • #170345
        Eventide Staff

          Hold the right footswitch down for 2 seconds. Doing so switches the pedal from tap tempo mode to preset search mode and back.

        • #170350

            I held the right footswitch down for 2 seconds but it did not switch between tap tempo mode and preset search mode. Instead, the display said BLUE and then the PIN was displayed and the Active and Tap lights started flashing. Can you help?

          • #170351
            Eventide Staff

              What you are describing should only happen if you press the Hotswitch button and right footswitch simultaneously. It sounds like you’re in the system settings. To get out of it, just press Hotswitch button and right ftsw for two seconds again.

            • #170352

                When I press Hotswitch button and right ftsw for two seconds, the display says HOT and then switches to HOT+. Unfortunately, that didn’t work either. What should I try next?

              • #170353
                Eventide Staff

                  None of this sounds like normal operation. Do you have any custom presets? If so, you can back up your presets to a list on H9 Control and conduct a factory reset. This will erase everything including presets and system settings. Afterwards, you can load your list back in.

                  To restore Factory Presets and all System settings, power up the H9 while simultaneously pressing the Right Footswitch and the big Knob until [INITIA] is displayed.

                  If you still have problems after this, please contact support@eventide.com.

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