H9 New Algoritms

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    • #113104

        Hi there. I’ll be short:

        Good people of Eventide PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Make Algoritms for this instruments:

        1. Organ (Just Like EHX B9

        2. Saxaphone/Horns/Brass Section

        3. Electro Piano

        4. Strings

        That’s all I’m asking))) Thank you!

      • #141869
          assaanar wrote:

          4. Strings

          That’s all I’m asking))) Thank you!

          I agree that a good strings algorithm would be fantastic.

        • #141870

            Sounds like you need an EHX pedal or a guitar synth…..

            • #141874
                bodde wrote:

                Sounds like you need an EHX pedal or a guitar synth…..

                I do have EHX pedals and Synth pedals and MIDI Pickups/Module. But I want to have all of it in one H9 box.

            • #141875

              Yes. An EHX pedal or an actual synth is what you need I think.

              From what I’ve read before on this forum and my personal experience, H9 doesn’t handle polyphonic (or even more than 2 notes) very well and I don’t see any pitch-shifted algorithms in the future for this stompboxes due to the hardware limitation.

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