H9 Output from second loop (second I/0)

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H9 Output from second loop (second I/0)

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by joecozzi
    Eventide Staff
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    • #177846

      I have plugged in the H9 to the FX loop of my Friedman IR-In channel one it sounds DOPE signal is consistent and equal.  When I use Input 2 for the same Loop the power decreases by about 50% and everything sounds weak.  Does anyone know why this is happening?  I would love to run the H9 through a stereo Rig.

    • #177847
      Eventide Staff

      I always recommend to check your cables in isolation. Make sure they are working properly.

      Also, can you verify the Routing mode you are using on the H9? it should be set to “Normal” as opposed to “pre-post.”

    • #177936

      Thank you for your initial help, Do you have any other suggestions?  I did all of that and the loop is still weak. It’s very weird, it’s like it loses 50% of output it’s a drastic drop.



    • #178003
      Eventide Staff

      Can you draw a picture of your wiring? This might help us understand why you are running into problems. Since the IR-X only has a mono fx loop, you should only be connecting to Input 1, as this is what is adequate for mono operation. Do not use Input 2 for anything. If you want to run the H9 output in stereo, connect a mono signal to input 1 and then connect Outs 1 & 2 to two amps or sims.

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