H9 request: Digital IO

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    • #114835

        I’d love to see a digital in and out on new versions. This will be great for studio use. I’d be more then happy to pay extra for this.

      • #149705
        Eventide Staff
          eilam wrote:
          I’d love to see a digital in and out on new versions. This will be great for studio use. I’d be more then happy to pay extra for this.

          I wanted to add digital I/O to the H9, but there just was not room.

          It would be particularly useful for people with more than one H9 (which of course we want to encourage). Maybe on a later model.


        • #149715

            Thanks! I look forward to it.

          • #151884

              Digital I/O’s on would be a huge plus for the H9 indeed!

            • #151885

                If Eventide would produce a H9 unit with digital I/O AND a VST-H9-Control plugin, I would probably sell my 2 H9s and buy three new units !!!!

                IMNSHO, this project would be in the most popular part of Eventide’s Ikigai and i’m sure it would be bankable as much as useful and popular.

                Dont’ you think it would ?

              • #154619

                  Wow, it’s been a year already since creating this thread.

                  I’m still wanting the H9 to have SPDIF in / out. Ability to recall H9 control settings via VST app would be great step toward DAW integration. I’d like to time the sale of my H9 max accordingly.

                  What’s the updated prospect?

                • #158224

                    I’ll buy three units if you add digital IO. 

                  • #158225

                      In the world of kemper, 3 h9s and wireless guitar transmitter starts causing noticeable annoying latency. It would be nice to cut it down via digital IO. 

                    • #158280

                        I regret the lack of digital I/O every single day…

                        That simple addition would’ve made this device damn near unstoppable, and with the quality/renown of the algorithms, it seems like a *major* short-sighted decision on the part of Eventide, especially considering these are $800 boxes

                        I would even pay a mod service to do this, since i have so many H9s sitting around, who wants to A/D,D/A a bunch of algorithms in a system where quality and originality of tone is key. It really takes away from the high quality features of the device…

                        My 2 cents…

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