H9 Reverse

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    • #111590

        On the Orville, a reverse patch could be designed so that it was always listening, and when you enabled it, it started playing back the stuff you had played right before you hit the enable button. This way you can seamlessly bounce back and forth between backwards and forwards.  This is way more useful than the H9 behavior, where there is a period of silence after you enable it. Any chance on changing this behavior? So far, this is my biggest disappointment with the H9.

        – Chris Muir

      • #125847

          Well, the coming Looper algorithm is going to have reverse playback. I don't know how it compares to the Orville patch you're describing, but it sounds pretty awesome.

        • #125851

            I don't have a problem with the sound of the H9 Reverse delay, only with the un-mute / engage behavior. 

          • #125856

              Chris – Vance Here:  Which H8K algorithm are you working with that does this?  

            • #125857

                Hey there Chris – Vance here.  Which H9 preset are you looking at that does this?  I do recall some that had the "buffer fill" requirement that the H9 has…. but I don't remember one which really let you switch instantly between Fwd and Rvs.

              • #125861

                  Is that you Vance!? 🙂


                • #125883

                    Hi Vance!

                    It is a preset of my own devising on the Orville that did that. This sort of thing is trivial on the Orville. I don't have a PC with vsig setup on it right now, but I plan on installing some sort of virtual machine on my Mac soon-ish and I'll shoot you the patch once I get that running.

                    I came up with a patch for the H9 that uses the expression pedal to go from dry to wet, which has the same effect, as long as I remember to activate the H9 one delay time before I need reverse.

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