H9 Rotary Preset (Default To Other Speed When Loading Preset)

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H9 Rotary Preset (Default To Other Speed When Loading Preset)


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    • #115817

      Hello all,

      This seems like it should be simple but I can’t figure out how to do this (seems like it easily should be). 

      I modified a factory Rotary preset and saved it as a User preset on my iPad and then loaded it to the H9.

      When I pull up the patch it always is on the “fast” speed mode and I want it to start with the “slow” speed by default.

      I thought simply opening the patch on the iPad and having it dialed in slow and clicking save would default it to the slow speed but it doesn’t.  As soon as I pull up the patch it’s always the fast spinning sound.

      Is there any way to easily change this?

      Thanks for any help.

    • #154268
      Eventide Staff
        realdealblues wrote:

        Hello all,

        This seems like it should be simple but I can't figure out how to do this (seems like it easily should be). 

        I modified a factory Rotary preset and saved it as a User preset on my iPad and then loaded it to the H9.

        When I pull up the patch it always is on the "fast" speed mode and I want it to start with the "slow" speed by default.

        I thought simply opening the patch on the iPad and having it dialed in slow and clicking save would default it to the slow speed but it doesn't.  As soon as I pull up the patch it's always the fast spinning sound.

        Is there any way to easily change this?

        Thanks for any help.

        I just saved a user preset with SLOW on. Then I clicked this preset it's loaded with SLOW mode (the middle footswitch in the UI is engaged)

      • #154273

          there was a bug a while back with saving small changes on H9 control… maybe try saving it ON THE PEDAL by holding down some butttons ( o forget which rn).


          If the change stays persistent that way, bingo.

        • #154284

          I finally got it.  I had to open the App in Demo mode and make the change.  Then pair with the H9 and “save to pedal” for it too work.

        • #154289

            yeah I never really drilled down on the inconsistency…..but it was annoying. 

            I got into the habit of ALWAYS saving my minor changes using the on-pedal buttons. 



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