H9 – Select more options in windows app (copy, rename, delete etc.) = Crash

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H9 – Select more options in windows app (copy, rename, delete etc.) = Crash

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    • #112574

        Hey there
        In the windows app (1.2.2) if I click on a preset button to select it, and then clicking on the "More" button in the upper right hand corner of the app it crashes each time and I have to restart the app. It doesn't matter which options I choose  – rename, copy, delete etc. it crashes every time.

        Anybody knows about this issue?


        Spec: Windows 8.1 / Tablet

      • #127789

          It would be helpful if you could install the latest version of H9 Control as 1.2.2 is pretty old at this point.  I'm wondering if Windows is sandboxing applications on tablets somehow and restricting access to the file system. Can you export a preset?

        • #139044

            Sorry, I gave you the false Version of the app – I' ve got the newest one 2.1.1. No, I can't use any of this options. When I choose a option the hole app freeze immediately!


          • #139047

              One of my colleagues has a Windows 8 tablet.  I'll ask him to give this a try and see if he can reproduce this problem.

            • #139235

                Something new about your colleagues who has also a tablet with 8.1????

              • #139273

                  Something new about your colleagues who has also a tablet with 8.1????

                  Sorry to keep you waiting. Yes, I looked at H9 Control on my colleagues Windows 8.1 tablet. I wasn’t seeing H9 Control crashing when trying to use the options under the More menu; instead it seemed to lock up the app, and I had to force the app to close by right clicking on its icon. The basic problem seems to be that that more button launches a modal dialog. I think we’ll be able to fix that in the next release. I’ll post back when there’s a new version for you try.

                • #139323

                    Alright, there's a new build of H9 Control for Windows on our website.  When you have a moment, please try it out and see if it fixes your problems with using those functions under the More menu.

                  • #139327

                      Great! I will check it out in the next few days and I give you feedback yes

                    • #139374

                        The new build have still the same issue; the H9 application freezes when I choose the “more” button. Did the new build only change the payment system in the app?

                      • #139377

                          Did the new build only change the payment system in the app?

                          No, that dialog changed. It went from being a modal dialog to a non-modal dialog. So, I can’t think of any reason why opening it would be problematic. Like I mentioned before, I had tried this out on my colleagues Surface Pro, and I never saw the behavior you described in the first place with the app crashing, although the older version of the dialog did seem to be locking up the app. What sort of Windows 8.1 tablet are you using? Does it have a stylus as well, and if so, is the behavior the same with your finger and with the stylus?

                        • #139383

                            In fact it doesn’t matter if I use the pen or a finger. It’s Medion-Tablet (Medion Akoya E1234T, 64GB). But your right – it’s not a crash. The dialog freezes. Here the Link:https://www.digitec.ch/de/s1/product/medion-akoya-e1234t-64gb-schwarz-wlan-tablet-3451505

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