H9 – simple presets list organizer?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H9 – simple presets list organizer?

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    • #116116

        Hi everyone,

        Found many old posts on this topic, all pointing to videos… however, since it’s 2020 now I figured I would ask again (wishful thinking): is there any better way to organise presets in a list than to use H9 Control? MacOS or iOS, they’re both as unusable as the other… 


        1. something that works in list mode (these boxy icons do not work for a long flat list of 90+ presets)
        2. something that lets you reorder presets easily (move it between 2 existing presets, drop it)
        3. something that lets you copy & paste from one list to another

        Of course some hierarchy / patch bank organization would be rad but frankly, just a decent list editor would go a long way.

        I’m happy to edit an XML file in vi/notepad for that matter – anything but H9 Control.

        I love the H9 sounds but boy, the software does not live up to it!

        Please tell me I’ve missed something great out there. Thanks!



      • #155892

          I am not 100% sure, but I think that preset list is just a text file. So, you can edit it in text editor, I guess.

          Another think is how to send it to H9 without H9 Control.

        • #155900
          Eventide Staff
            1. something that works in list mode (these boxy icons do not work for a long flat list of 90+ presets)
            2. something that lets you reorder presets easily (move it between 2 existing presets, drop it)
            3. something that lets you copy & paste from one list to another

            1. See attachement 1 (5×5 grid & drag & drop), where you can change the view to a 5×5 grid.

            2. You can click "Drag & Drop", where you can just drag & drop presets

            3. See attachment 2 & 3 (Copy presetSave preset), where you can copy a preset from a list, and save it to another list.

          • #155916

              Glad it has helped.

              It would be cool, if Eventide added tabular mode for organizing presets. More than 25 on page, sortable collumns. And possibility to open two lists and to copy between them. At least for PC versions.

            • #156823

                This thread is kinda old, but it may have some relation with Preset tidiness… been expecting this update for a while

                Also mentioned the UNDO button but for all purposes, even when tweaking sounds…


              • #163484

                  ON a Mac


                  Can you just go from GO > Library > H9 Control > Preset Lists ??

                  within that folder are the preset lists.  you can compare them to each and drag / drop / delete as necessary.  seems pretty easy.

                  HOWEVER, I don’t have my pedal hooked up right now, so not sure if this will work.  can I open h9 control without the pedal and check?


                  seems like the easiest way to organize if you have a lot of presets and lists




                • #164308

                    I also found it very confusing. I can’t create even two preset lists. In the manual there is no examples.


                  • #155913
                      bohan wrote:

                      1. See attachement 1 (5×5 grid & drag & drop), where you can change the view to a 5×5 grid.

                      2. You can click “Drag & Drop”, where you can just drag & drop presets

                      3. See attachment 2 & 3 (Copy presetSave preset), where you can copy a preset from a list, and save it to another list.

                      Thank you Bohan, I appreciate it. It does help somehow but it’s still super unwieldy and finicky (the fact that we have to even exchange about it is proof of it).

                      The main problem, after the learning curve of understanding the mechanics of what you suggest is that there is no “undo” (I think?). Since the “drop zone” is quite small one thing that *always* happens at least once when moving presets around is that you either:

                      1. drop the preset in the wrong place, not exactly in the drop zone (and the preset you were moving disappears)
                      2. drop the preset on an another one (making that existing preset disappear)

                      A painful workaround is to save at each and every step and close/reopen the file when it happens… but when editing a 99 preset file it’s a bit painful. 

                      Thanks for the response in any case, I appreciate it.

                    • #155914
                        Fender17 wrote:

                        I am not 100% sure, but I think that preset list is just a text file. So, you can edit it in text editor, I guess.

                        Another think is how to send it to H9 without H9 Control.

                        Hey, you are right: it’s just JSON files zipped together! I should have thought about it. Editing that JSON file is actually far easier than using the graphical interface (if you are used to it). Thanks for pointing me in that direction!

                        └── PresetLists

                            └── 3 2020-02-23 H9-DMD-pedal-presets

                                ├── 0001 WARMTH.tide

                                ├── 0002 BIG CLONE.tide

                                ├── 0003 I WALK ALONE.tide

                                ├── 0004 RECORD HEAD.tide

                                ├── 0005 BE WOWED.tide

                                ├── 0006 WARPED RECORD.tide

                                ├── 0007 STREETS.tide

                                ├── 0008 CLASSIC CHORUS.tide

                                ├── 0009 LONG OLD DELAYS.tide

                                ├── 0010 LONG VINTAGE2.tide

                                ├── 0011 BALLERINA.tide

                                ├── 0012 1984LEGS.tide

                                ├── 0013 3 OCTAVE RANGE.tide

                                ├── 0014 POWERCHORD.tide

                                ├── 0015 SHATTER.tide

                                ├── 0016 INSANITY BUILD.tide

                                ├── 0017 RISING SWIM.tide

                                ├── 0018 DLYOCTAVE.tide

                                ├── 0019 CLASSIC CRYSTALS.tide

                                ├── 0020 CARNEGIE HALL.tide

                                ├── 0021 SHIMMER.tide

                                ├── 0022 ULTRATAP.tide

                                ├── 0023 ULTRASWELL.tide

                                └── metadata.tidel


                      • #155927
                        Eventide Staff
                          demed wrote:

                          The main problem, after the learning curve of understanding the mechanics of what you suggest is that there is no "undo" (I think?). Since the "drop zone" is quite small one thing that *always* happens at least once when moving presets around is that you either:

                          1. drop the preset in the wrong place, not exactly in the drop zone (and the preset you were moving disappears)
                          2. drop the preset on an another one (making that existing preset disappear)

                          There is an "Undo" button at the top right corner. See attached screenshot.

                          Yes, it does take some time to learn and I admit it could be improved. If you'd like to drop a preset to the grid without replacing any existing preset, you need to drop it between 2 preset blocks. The gap between 2 blocks will be highlighted if you move the mouse there.

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