H9/Space with MIDI.

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H9/Space with MIDI.

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    • #112445


      I'm just wondering if there's going to be a fix for the well-known phase issue when changing presets with MIDI on the H9 and Space.

      Right now I have a Space, (2x) Timefactor and I'm planning to get a Pitchfactor this week and I'm very excited! All this thinking ahead so I can decide which algorithms I'll buy for the H9 (to replace Timefactor & Pitchfactor, because I want to keep the Space pedal).

      But if you tell me that this phasing/spike volume issue can not be fixed, I'll start to look on a different place.

      Please see these if you don't know what I'm talking about:





    • #127689


      Any workaround for this problem? As it seems that this terrible flaw can not be fixed.

    • #138744

        I believe this problem is on the schedule to be looked at (and fingers crossed) fixed.  

      • #138745

        Good to hear that.


      • #138749

        Oh man!!  If you guys fix the phasing thing and lag time on the Space, I will love you forever!

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