H9 Step Filter

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    • #114001

      Would really love to see a step filter algorithm for the H9. I’ve tried the HARMODULATOR preset , but it’s not the same.

      Step Filter pedals are hard to come by, I’m stuck using an L6 M5 emulation, It’s ok, I am sure the H9 would do a much better job with it.

      If you don’t ask you will never know, so throwing my hat in the ring for a future Step Filter for H9,





    • #145710
      Given To Fly

        I agree! If possible, I would love to see a step filter with 20 steps. 20 steps would allow for quintuplet patterns; something I would find useful and have never seen before. 

      • #145712
        Eventide Staff

          This is a great idea and we will definitely put it for consideration for the future!

          • #145723
            floresp640 wrote:

            This is a great idea and we will definitely put it for consideration for the future!



        • #145724

            An incredible sounding example for you Eventide, would be the Adrenalinn. I have one and its weirdness is beautiful, but has some problems, it’s a big tone sucker,non-friendly hardware and interface,and the internal midi clock is not very good (i send H9 midi clock to it).
            So….A step phaser, flanger and pitch shifter, with delay (s) pre or post filtering?
            This would make very people happy…

          • #145782

              A step filter with configurable steps would be a great addition.  Looking at the stompbox DSP-DNA as one giant algorithm, it certainly seems possible.  What makes the ADR III unique is the step sequencer routing & control modulation capabilities.  The sequencer + A/D envelopes can be routed to filter, amplitude, & ‘pitch’ (tuned resonant filters).  But – unless you’re dialing in the USR pattern – you’re still selecting among 20 fixed patterns.

              The HarPeggiator has two parallel sequences.  We’ll leave out the pitch, fuzz, glitch, and combi-FX for now.  Each one is limited to five fixed filter sequences (plus random).  There are 20 fixed envelopes (plus OFF); one selection applies across all steps.  There are 20 ‘Rhythm’ patterns (plus random), for independent control over amplitude.  If you approach the HarPeggiator as a multi-effect, some of the same can be approximated, with a little work.

              I particularly favor the RND filter mode; especially preceded by some distortion for the filters to ‘chew on’.  It’s deeper, more controllable, and a lot less expensive than a vintage Oberheim VCF-200.  The 5 fixed sequences can also be useful, considering that two sequences can be audibly combined, but set up with different configs.


              Some multi-modulation effects – similar to the ADR III – are possible in other algorithms.  The idea here is to layer the LFOs on top each other.  One acts as the ‘step’, with the 2nd LFO providing the overall step sequence ‘shape’.

              • #145880

                Thanks for the Post, I am looking forward to trying these out when I get home today.


                brock wrote:

                A step filter with configurable steps would be a great addition.  Looking at the stompbox DSP-DNA as one giant algorithm, it certainly seems possible.  What makes the ADR III unique is the step sequencer routing & control modulation capabilities.  The sequencer + A/D envelopes can be routed to filter, amplitude, & ‘pitch’ (tuned resonant filters).  But – unless you’re dialing in the USR pattern – you’re still selecting among 20 fixed patterns.

                The HarPeggiator has two parallel sequences.  We’ll leave out the pitch, fuzz, glitch, and combi-FX for now.  Each one is limited to five fixed filter sequences (plus random).  There are 20 fixed envelopes (plus OFF); one selection applies across all steps.  There are 20 ‘Rhythm’ patterns (plus random), for independent control over amplitude.  If you approach the HarPeggiator as a multi-effect, some of the same can be approximated, with a little work.

                I particularly favor the RND filter mode; especially preceded by some distortion for the filters to ‘chew on’.  It’s deeper, more controllable, and a lot less expensive than a vintage Oberheim VCF-200.  The 5 fixed sequences can also be useful, considering that two sequences can be audibly combined, but set up with different configs.


                Some multi-modulation effects – similar to the ADR III – are possible in other algorithms.  The idea here is to layer the LFOs on top each other.  One acts as the ‘step’, with the 2nd LFO providing the overall step sequence ‘shape’.

            • #145884

              Great algorithms you created there, thanks again for posting them, it’s easy to forget how powerful a pedal we have in the H9. I really need to spend more time getting to know the deeper editing we can do. 

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