H9 tap tempo problems

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    • #112183

      I just got an H9 and I am having issues with the tap tempo.  when I turn tap tempo on by pressing the right footswitch and the preset button the tempo does not change when I tap.  The tap button does change the millisecond value when tap tempo is off?  Any one have any thoughts?

    • #127215

        Since you're new to the H9, it would be good to eliminate any chance of there being confusion about how this feature works. After you turn on tap tempo, you're long pressing on the right footswitch  so that you can use that footswitch to tap in the tempo, correct? After doing so you see the LED about the right footswitch start to blink in time with the current tempo, but when you start tapping on the right footswitch, it doesn't cause the tempo to update to your newly tapped in tempo?

      • #127216

        yes that is correct, I am turning on tap tempo then long pressing the tap button until the light above it blinks.  After doing this when I tap on the switch it does not change the tempo.

      • #127217

        yes that is correct.  I am turing on tap tempo then depressing the tap button until the light above it blinks with the tempo, when I tap on the switch it does not change the tempo though.

      • #137850

          Hm… Do you have MIDI Clock in enabled?  This is the only reason I can think of offhand why this might happen.

        • #137851

          Yes MIDI Clock in and out are both enabled.

        • #137857

          I just tried turning MIDI clock in and out off and then on again and it is still not working.

        • #137858

            I'm not sure I understand. What happens when you turn MIDI clock in off and leave it off? 

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