H9 Underneath Pedalboard

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    • #165825

        I wanted to see if anyone is using the H9 underneath their pedalboard shelves, if tiered like a Vertex board, or underneath their board in general while using a midi controller. I’m thinking about it, but not sure if I feel comfortable not seeing the presets change.

      • #165826
        Eventide Staff

          Hi JavyMontoya,

          Many musicians place their H9 under a pedalboard shelf. Guitarists Josh Smith and Ariel Posen come to mind. In fact, many others put the H9 on a rack shelf completely away from view – Santana, The Edge, Troy McLawhorn of Evanescence. The key is having confidence in your MIDI programming and testing the rig thoroughly to eliminate concerns. Because the H9 is so powerful MIDI-wise, one really doesn’t have to have it in plain sight.

        • #165868

            As long as you program and test beforehand, it can really be anywhere and it doesn’t matter. Mine is on my board but I never step on it or even look at it. I switch it in and out via a Fractal FM9 and change presets via FM9 midi commands per scene. Works like a charm. Never any surprises.

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