H9: Volume control

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    • #111291

      Is there any possible that I can use my expression pedal to control the volume?

      I can use expression pedal to control all the parameters except volume Confused

      What a pity!!

    • #125184

        Every preset has an output gain parameter as you've noticed, but that output gain parameter can't currently be modulated with an expression pedal without causing clicks.  You aren't the first person to ask for that feature though, and we marked it on the H9 wish list.

      • #125850

        Please add my vote for this feature!  Thanks!

      • #136716

        Please make it happen! 

      • #146079

          how is the wish list? can H9 control the volume gain with expression pedal now?

          • #146083
            Eventide Staff
              evolution wrote:
              how is the wish list? can H9 control the volume gain with expression pedal now?

              The wish list is very happy and always growing.

              H9 now has a "swell" capability, which may meet your needs. See p.14 of the latest User Manual.



            • #146084
                nickrose wrote:
                evolution wrote:
                how is the wish list? can H9 control the volume gain with expression pedal now?

                The wish list is very happy and always growing.

                H9 now has a "swell" capability, which may meet your needs. See p.14 of the latest User Manual.



                how about using the expression pedal as a volume/level booster? let say when toe off is 0 db then when toe on is +5 db.. along with other knobs.. if can i will happy to remove my volume boost pedal… if cant yet.. please add this to wish list

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