H9 with Boss es8

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    • #113971


      If I set up my H9 outside a Boss ES8 looper (BossES8 out to the H9, then stereo to two amps), can I use MIDI to either bypass the H9 or turn on an H9 preset? Or do you think it is more advantageous to incorporate the H9 in a loop that way the loop switcher function determines whether or not the H9 is on in the signal path, with the MIDI command just selecting the H9 patch)? The H9 would be run in stereo therefore it would always be at the end of the effects signal chain within the looper, so basically I am wondering if I could send MIDI commands to an H9 outside the looper to either be Bypassed, or Non-Bypassed and on a certain preset. Thanks!

    • #145546

        I have the Boss ES5 which is the smaller version of the ES8, and it is the best looper you can get for the money. My H9 is in the amps loop only, and all my other effects are in the ES5. But I can still send MIDI commands to the H9 for any thing the H9 can do via MIDI. So I belive the answer to both questions is Yes and Yes.

        • #145555
          baron58 wrote:

          I have the Boss ES5 which is the smaller version of the ES8, and it is the best looper you can get for the money. My H9 is in the amps loop only, and all my other effects are in the ES5. But I can still send MIDI commands to the H9 for any thing the H9 can do via MIDI. So I belive the answer to both questions is Yes and Yes.

          Awesome , thanks

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