H90 algorithms doesen’t detect stereo signal from stereo loop

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    • #170494

        Hello everyone, sorry for my english, don’t speak too much.

        I have connect my HX Stomp in the stereo loop inside the H90, and for me it sounds incredible, but i need to use all the effects coming from the Stomp and from my h90.

        so the problem is, that in the last block of my Stomp, i have a stereo delay, but when i put an algorithm it just detects the Left side.

        I don’t know what to do, when i bypass the algorithm’s, my signal sounds in stereo, and when i turn on the h90 effects, it just catch the left side and not the 2 sides as it is connected.

        So… this is not good for me, i need this to be 100% stereo device 😢





      • #170514
        Eventide Staff

          Make sure you set your H90 inserts to stereo. Fig. 6.12 in the Routing section of the Manual shows how to do this on the pedal.


        • #170536

            I didn`t mention it, but I all ready did it just like that.

            Don’t know what to do, may be its a software malfunction and not hardware.

            • #170541
              Eventide Staff

                We’ll need more information (pictures help) regarding your setup. What’s your cable / signal routing? E.g. Mono in / stereo out of H90 with stereo insert?
                A picture of the HX Stomp routing screen, and a picture of the H90 Routing screen would help too. Plus double check your connections in all the units. Make sure you’re using In 3 / Out 3 for the left insert signal, and In 4 / Out 4 for right insert signal.

                By “bypass the algorithm’s” are you referring to the H90 or HX Stomp?



            • #176576

                I believe I’m having the same issue with the latest updates (Bluetooth etc.).  Have a Strymon Dig in stereo loop:  Signal path is

                guitar -> h90 input 1 ->     H90 outputs 3&4 UA amp sim -> to Dig, dig outputs to h90 inputs 3 & 4, h90 outputs 1&2 -> …

                Have a variety of patches with stereo insert , either series pre A, series mid.  IIRC I was having similar issues with parallel routing too, but definitely unexpected behavior in the series pre A configuration as detailed below.

                1. Programs with the stereo insert pre A:
                When both effects are engaged only one side of the ping pong delay can be heard and its panned center.  When A is bypassed and B engaged, the series ping pong mode functions properly.

                2.  Programs with stereo insert mid:  Everything works as expected

                So there is definitely something going on with stereo insert behavior when placed Series Pre A, as engaging/bypassing A changes what’s going on with the insert.

                Going to experiment with whether using an LS-2 to split from guitar into both H90 inputs 1 and 2 will be a workaround, but curious as to whether OP and I are misunderstanding something or if others are having same issue.

              • #176579

                  Having my signal split pre-H90 (so as to use both inputs 1 and 2 on h90) does seem to fix everything.  The odd behavior seems to be the H90 changing its mind about whether the insert is stereo based on whether the effect following it is engaged or bypassed (in the case where the “raw input” into h90 is just input 1).

                  • #176620
                    Eventide Staff

                      Thanks for reporting this. I can reproduce what you describe and this does not seem like the correct routing behavior.

                      We’re looking into a fix for this and I can let you know when that is available. For now, I would suggest that to use your setup with a stereo input into the H90 since the issue does not occur with that routing. Sorry for the inconvenience.

                    • #176639

                        just want to say i have the same problem with some patches.

                        what i have noticed, is that some algorythms, like instant flanges also loose the stereo image if I have a stereo inster pre-Algorythm – as soon as the algorythm is off, the effects goes back to stereo (I have a stereo delay signal, on the insert of the h90). using the instant phase algo works, but the instant flanger does not produce the ping-pong effect of the delay if the delay is pre-algo.

                    • #176622

                        Thanks!  After the workaround it was more a mystery than a problem, happy to help!

                      • #176957

                          some algorythms, like instant flanges also loose the stereo image if I have a stereo insert pre-Algorythm – as soon as the algorythm is off, the effects goes back to stereo (I have a stereo delay signal, on the insert of the h90). using the instant phase algo works, but the instant flanger does not produce the ping-pong effect of the delay if the delay is pre-algo. Any information on this and a workaround or fix?

                          • #177003
                            Eventide Staff

                              We are working on a fix for this issue and it should be resolved in the next update. The only workaround at the moment is to use your stereo device before the H90, and not as an insert if you’d like to achieve that routing. Sorry for the inconvenience.

                          • #177046

                              I know you guys are working on it, but I just thought I’d chime in with same issue. For me, I’m using A: Dual Delay and B: ModEchoVerb with a stereo insert (doesn’t seem to matter if it’s pre, mid, or post).

                              What’s interesting in my case is that the Dual Delay algo pans correctly, even with the stereo loop engaged, if it’s the only effect enabled. If the B effect (ModEchoVerb) is off I get stereo, if it’s on it’s like everything sums to mono. It still sounds great, just obviously missing that wide image.

                              It’s not a disaster or anything, but I’m glad to hear you guys are already working on it!

                            • #177861
                              Eventide Staff

                                This has been fixed in the latest software version 1.7.5. Please update your H90 and let us know if you have any issues. Thanks for your help reporting this.

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