H90 and Disaster Area Micro.Clock External Tempo

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    • #173986

        Hello does anyone have knowledge if the Disaster Area Mirco.Clock will work with the H90 as an external control of Tap Tempo via TRS? If so what is the TRS configuration I should use? I.E. Normally Open or Closed. I looking to just have the DA hooked up TRS to the expression out of the H90 and sent tap tempo information for global programs and presets. Thanks!

      • #174016
        Eventide Staff

          That should work fine with the H90 using a standard TRS cable. The H90 should be used with momentary normally open switches.

          Do you just need an aux switch to control the H90’s clock via tap tempo? If so, then you could get a much simpler aux switch to accomplish this instead of the Micro.Clock.


        • #174019

            Ok I am having trouble getting it set up correctly. I use the Micro Clock as it has BPM read out and presets for use with song sets. I have tried the hook up the way you described and H90 goes to 500bpm no matter what I tap.

          • #174021
            Eventide Staff

              Sorry, I’m not familiar with the Micro.Clock so this will take some troubleshooting and experimenting with different settings to work properly. You may need to contact Disaster Area to ask them how to set it up.

              Did you set the aux input on the H90 to be a switch and calibrate it with the Micro.Clock connected? https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.5.2/content/system-menu/io.html

              How did you map the tap tempo on the H90 to respond to the switch?

            • #174023

                Yes I have the Sw 1-3 set with the micro clock connected. When calibrated I pressed the foot switch like tap tempo. The first dot would tap in time and then stop and go black. The tempo is in global mode. Do I need to map more on the H90? The micro clock is set with its TRS Tap out and N-O (normally open) function. This device has worked with my timeline, Hx stomp, and El Cap before.

              • #174026

                  Ok this did work. Thank you very much! I am able to tap now!

                  • #174028
                    Eventide Staff

                      You’re welcome. Good to hear!

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