Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 CONTROL APP COPY / PASTE BUG?


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    • #167093

      Hmm, not sure if I found another bug or not in the control app.

      I’m working on a new “init program” and I got a prism shift set for slot A, and then I click the 3 dots by the algorithms name in the parameters tab and click copy and then go over to slot B and click the 3 dots by the algorithm name and click paste. Shouldn’t this have pasted exactly what my Slot A is, because it didn’t. It pasted the default parameters that I found in the preset library tab instead of the parameters I’ve made for it.

      If it’s intended to be that way, then I would suggest a way to give us a way to copy whole slot with tweaked parameters attached from one slot to the next as a request.

    • #167094

      Ok not a bug… Person over on TGP suggested I named and saved the program first before copy / paste from one slot to another and that worked.

      However still not a bad idea to make copy / paste work when building a program before saving it, maybe?

    • #167174
      Eventide Staff

      Hi rockstar. I just tested starting with an INIT Program and adding Prism Shift to Slot A. Then, I copied like you described. Afterwards, I proceeded to click the 3 dots to paste into the default Thru algorithm on Slot B and it worked as intended, it copied the exact Prism Shift algorithm and its settings. Looks like it already does what you wan it to do and I did this without renaming anything beforehand. I’m not sure why Control is behaving differently for you. I’m on v1.0.0 and software on the pedal.

      • #167175

        Did you happen to tweak the knobs first before copying over to slot B? Then check if the parameters changed. Only way it works for me is to name the INIT program first and save it and then all parameters will copy from one to the other.

      • #167176
        Eventide Staff

        I see the bug now. I’m relaying the issue back to the developers. Good catch.

      • #167181

        Awesome! Thank you!

    • #167187

      Also while I’m thinking of it, is there any way to do this on the hardware? Copy one algorithm from slot A to slot B or vice versa? I can’t seem to find a way, and if not, maybe something that can be added in the parameter section? Like for example, at the end of the parameter section for slot A it could have a parameter that says “copy” and when scrolling the appropriate knob for it under the screen it gives you option to paste it to slot B and if you were in slot B it would give you option to paste it in slot A etc.

    • #167188
      Eventide Staff

      Currently, there isn’t a quick way to do this. You would need to save the preset for the algorithm in A, load the same algorithm in B, and find that preset in its list. I’ll forward your other suggestions.

    • #180760

      I just “moved” a few programs around via copy and paste and it did not respect my settings at all. Is this a known issue?

      • #180772
        Eventide Staff

        This is not a known issue and seems to be working correctly for me. If you could make a screen recording that displays this issue, that would be helpful. You can email it to support@eventide.com and we can help you further there.

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