H90 Control losing device

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    • #171555

      I’ve been having a lot of problems with H90 Control 1.4.1.   I have to constantly re Add it because it whenever I restart everything the app shows the pedal greyed out including the connect button.  My experience has been when this happens the alternative is to delete and re-add the pedal which has shows all my powered up USB devices but not the H90 pedal.  On most occasions I have to put the pedal in recovery mode, quit and restart H90 control to fix the problem.   When I restarted this morning the H90 Control had the same problem and nothing that I have tried is allowing me to add the pedal.    I have an open ticket with Eventide but I was wondering if I’m the only one with this problem.   I’m running an Intel based Mac Mini with OS 12.5.1.

    • #171606

      Same issue here.

    • #171627
      Eventide Staff


      Sorry for the issues you are having. You shouldn’t need to delete/re-add the device or use recovery mode just to connect to H90 Control.

      Have you tried a different USB cable? Are you using a USB hub or adapter?

      • #172186


        Similar issues, where the h90 control loses the h90…

        On JoeCozzi’s advice I’ve been trying different leads and hub configurations.

        First observation is that having the h90 and h9 coming from the same USB port in the same USB hub is bad, they’re better off connected from different USB ports (laptop MBP 2015).

        Second observation: when I plug or unplug the h9’s USB cable there is no noise spike through my monitors. Plugging in The h90 – on the other hand – does result in a noise.

        Made me think about the mA draw so here are the readouts from “About this Mac”. The tiny USB receiver for my wireless keyboard uses 98 mA, the h9 uses 100 mA and the h90 uses… 2 mA. Is this actually the case? Please can Eventide confirm this is normal.



        USB Receiver:

        Product ID: 0xc52b
        Vendor ID: 0x046d (Logitech Inc.)
        Version: 24.11
        Speed: Up to 12Mb/sec
        Manufacturer: Logitech
        Location ID: 0x14200000 / 11
        Current Available (mA): 500
        Current Required (mA): 98
        Extra Operating Current (mA): 0

        <strong style=”font-size: inherit;”>H9 Pedal:

        Product ID: 0x0015
        Vendor ID: 0x1b12
        Version: 4.10
        Serial Number: 3D1C8CD52F51FF46
        Speed: Up to 12Mb/sec
        Manufacturer: Eventide (www.eventide.com)
        Location ID: 0x14100000 / 19
        Current Available (mA): 500
        Current Required (mA): 100
        Extra Operating Current (mA): 0

        H90 Pedal:

        Product ID: 0x0041
        Vendor ID: 0x1b12
        Version: 4.19
        Serial Number: XC-04121
        Speed: Up to 480Mb/sec
        Manufacturer: Eventide
        Location ID: 0x14140000 / 9
        Current Available (mA): 500
        Current Required (mA): 2
        Extra Operating Current (mA): 0

      • #172191
        Eventide Staff

        Yes, this is normal. My Mac is displaying the same specs for my H90.

    • #171630

      Mine started working as if nothing was wrong. I hope this resolves everything for the other user. Thanks for responding.

    • #174821

      has there been any progress with this ??? just noticing some distracting audible audio dropouts when switching to and from programs that include the weedwacker algorithm . anyone else notice that ?

      • #174866
        Eventide Staff

        I’m sorry, can you please be more specific with what the issue you are having is?

        This post is about users having issues connecting to H90 Control. You are reporting an issue with audio dropouts.

        If you are able to reproduce the issue with audio dropouts, please let me know specifically how to reproduce the issue if possible.

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