H90 Control on Windows 10 Tablet?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 Control on Windows 10 Tablet?

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    • #183993

      Hi guys,


      Did a quick search but didnt find an answer so my apologies if this has been cleared up already. I see that H90 Control requires a computer with Windows 10, but will it work on a tablet running Windows 10? Trying to find a good alternative for something i can connect my H90, H9 and Helix to when i am not at home.


      Thank you!

    • #184010
      Eventide Staff

      We only test H90 Control on desktop Windows machines, so this is not officially supported. I’m not sure if this would work, however another user may have experience with this. There is no Bluetooth support for Windows so it would require a wired USB connection.

      Your best option would be an iPad.

    • #184041

      Thanks for the reply! I may try and see if someone i know with one has one and can let me try it out. Was hoping this solution would work as the Helix editor is supported on an Ipad. Might just settle one a small profile laptop.


      Much appreciated!

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