H90 Control Ver. 1.8.16 – Wont connect

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    • #187006

        H90 Control times out and wont connect on a new PC running Win 11, H90 is running Software

        Error message:

        [TRPCMessageBroker.h:283].TRPCMessageBroker<struct trpc::msg::MessageT,struct trpc::msg::Message,enum trpc::msg::MessageType>::sendMIDIRequest >

        Timeout waiting for response: Expected Response ID(0x71)


        I am looking for suggestions, I am not sure if it needs to be paired via bluethooth,


        thx for any info in advance

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      • #187034
        Eventide Staff


          There is no support for Bluetooth on Windows so that is unrelated to the issue you are having.

          Are you running any antivirus software on your PC? Specifically, are you running Norton or Avast? Some customers have reported connection issues with these antivirus softwares after some recent updates.

          If you can try disabling or fully uninstalling your antivirus software and seeing if that resolves the issue, that would be helpful.

          We are looking into improving this issue.

        • #187204

            Still waiting for some resolution, I wonder if this is an isolated incident when running Win 11, Anti virus seems to be an issue and it has been disabled, followed all suggestions from support, no cigar …. I am able to run it on a Win 10 laptop, no issues.

          • #187358

              No resolution and or suggestions yet, I see a fair amount of issues listed by others but I am still waiting for support, more money into different cables, a new C to C cable, along with all previously suggested  methods …… no worky ..

            • #187363
              Eventide Staff


                What antivirus software are you using? One of our testers has reported that updating to the latest version of Norton has resolved the connection issue they were having. If you are using Norton, can you please try updating to the latest version?

              • #187366

                  Norton 360, its up to date, still fails

                • #187430
                  Eventide Staff

                    Sorry to hear you are still having issues. We are working to track down this issue.

                    Please email support@eventideaudio.com and we can troubleshoot the issue further there.

                  • #187447

                      I’m facing the same problem…

                      I’m in contact with the people of the Eventide Support but, so far, what they suggested didn’t work.

                      Different cables, different PC, same problem.

                      And the USB connection is ok, as in Recovery Mode I can see the H90 as an external drive, allowing upload and download of files.

                      This is truly annoying…

                    • #187453

                        I am able to connect by using a Win 10 laptop from my job, it is not ideal but I was able to backup my presets while I wait for a fix on my Win 11 PC, such an great piece of hardware, buggy application, I am hoping they will come up with a fix.

                      • #187454

                          I’ve just discovered a possible workaround with Win11+Norton360:

                          1. I open H90 Control
                          2. I click on the “cloud” as if I should have to update the H90 firmware
                          3. I click on the “Done” key (top right)
                          4. As I’m back on the H90 Control homepage, I click on “Connect” and… bingo!

                          I have to follow the same sequence each time I open H90 Control, but it works.

                          I really hope this could be helpful for all the peaple having the same issue and especially for Eventide people in order to solve it.


                        • #187455

                            I do not have the “cloud” fidget on H90 control, I did have it while running the Win 10 Laptop and was able to update the hardware, no option on my end to follow the steps you listed, I am glad you got it going, my guess is that if I had an older version I may have the cloud for updating, not sure if I can install a different version of the control software so I can try this approach, Thanks for the info.

                          • #187457

                              I have the latest version both for the H90 Control and H90 firmware.

                              For “cloud” I mean the cloud shaped icon on the right of the “Connetc” button (see the attached pictures)

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                              • #187460

                                  I did have that while using Win 10 Laptop, the version for the H90 control I have on the Win 11 PC is, Ver. 1.8.16 and it does not show the update icon, anywhere.

                                  I wonder if I can get an older version and force the update  that way, the version for the hardware is, I appreciate the info.


                                • #187470
                                  Eventide Staff

                                    Sorry to hear you are still having issues. Your pedal and H90 Control versions are both up to date, there is no update necessary.

                                    I do not understand how there is no update icon displayed in the app, this will alway be there, although it may be greyed out if the device is unavailable.

                                    I would be helpful to share a screenshot of what your H90 Control landing page looks like. Please respond to your support ticket with a screenshot and we can go from there.

                                • #187494

                                    Its a new PC, the H90 has yet to be added, second pictures shows when it fails to be added, the cloud does show but only if I use the work laptop running Win 10, I am not sure if the fact that it has yet to be added that it does not show the cloud.


                                    • #187495
                                      Eventide Staff

                                        Ok, the update icon is only available once a device has been added.

                                        Sorry, I don’t have anything further to suggest right now. I will contact you further via the support ticket for more information.

                                      • #187531

                                          To add the H90 on the new PC try this:

                                          1. Uninstall temporarily the antivirus SW
                                          2. Add H90 to H90 control (should work)
                                          3. Install again the antivirus SW

                                          With Norton 360 it worked

                                          In this way you should be able to follow my “workaround”

                                        • #187536

                                            That’s a good suggestion however,

                                            I am glad to report that it is currently working thanks to the advise by support and the collaboration of another end user running Norton.

                                            For any other users experiencing this issue while running Norton 360 Deluxe, the fix was disabling “Safecam”

                                            I appreciate the help and hope this can help others.

                                          • #187577

                                              I discovered that, at least with Norton 360, is not necessary to disable the full Safecam protection. Disabling Mike Protection is enough


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                                            • #187580

                                                I just tested it and indeed works, the safecam worked but I had to reboot it at times, seems good for now, thanks for the info!

                                            • #187708

                                                Thanks for the tip on disabling Norton Safecam, I couldn’t figure out how to get it to connect, but that did the trick!

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