H90 Dual Routing Questions

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    • #166422

      Apologies for asking the following questions.  I’ve read the online documentation for the H90 and I THINK I’m understanding correctly, but hoping someone from Eventide can confirm:

      First my current setup for my 3 H9s:

      1st H9 running in pre/post mode.  1 output to the front of my amp, the 2nd output to my stereo chorus which is in my FX loop.

      A 2nd H9 in my FX loop.  The stereo outs from the above chorus run to the stereo ins on this H9.

      A 3rd H9 in my FX loop.  There stereo outs of H9 #2 run into the stereo ins of this H9.  Stereo out of this H9 to my looper.

      (My below questions are with the interest of running the FX in series)

      My first questions are, if I’d run an H90 in Dual mode, could I use inputs and outputs 3 and 4 as I’m currently using my 2nd H9 above in my FX loop?  Could I use input/output 1 then as I’m routing my first H9 above in pre/post mode?  Essentially using input/output 1 for preamp effects, and input/outputs 3 and 4 for post/FX loop effects?

      Finally, if the above routing would work for my purposes, would I be limited by the H90 with only effect A in front/pre and effect B in post?  Or, could I still route effects A and B both in post or pre if I wanted to?  Could I still use both FX pre or post, or am I limited at that point to 1 pre, 1 post?

      Sorry for the cumbersome questions.  I think all of the above will work but would like to make sure of that if possible before I purchase one.

      Thanks very much for your time!

    • #166426
      Eventide Staff

      My first questions are, if I’d run an H90 in Dual mode, could I use inputs and outputs 3 and 4 as I’m currently using my 2nd H9 above in my FX loop?


      Could I use input/output 1 then as I’m routing my first H9 above in pre/post mode? Essentially using input/output 1 for preamp effects, and input/outputs 3 and 4 for post/FX loop effects?


      Finally, if the above routing would work for my purposes, would I be limited by the H90 with only effect A in front/pre and effect B in post? Or, could I still route effects A and B both in post or pre if I wanted to?

      Other than having an effect in Path A and another in path B, it is possible to have Programs that have both effects in front (Path A) and other Programs that place the both effects in the loop (Path B).

      Could I still use both FX pre or post, or am I limited at that point to 1 pre, 1 post?

      You can put both FX in pre or post.

    • #166428

      Thanks so much for your reply!  After re-reading your response to my 3rd question a few times, it looks like I would be able to do everything I ‘need’ to do with this, therefore replacing my 3 H9s.

      Thanks again!

    • #166430

      Actually one more question if I may:  Dual Routing, and the ability to place 2 FX pre, or 2 FX Post, 1 or pre/1 post is a per-program or per-preset setting, and not a global setting where it’s one or the other until that global setting is changed is it?

      …and again, thank you!


    • #166431
      Eventide Staff

      It’s a per Program setting. Each program can have its individual routing and algorithm organization. The main thing you have to understand is once the pedal is in global Dual mode, these same programs will not be available if the pedal is switched to Insert Mode.

    • #166432

      Ok, understood, and thanks so much for your time tonight!

    • #171338

      I’m new to this forum process. Unclear if this is the wrong place to ask a question. Sorry if I should have started another thread.

      Anyway, I saw this thread and I’m not sure if this would be dual mode or not, but is it possible to have path 1 be a mono in/out with a mono insert, and then path 2 be stereo in/out?

      I use a wet/dry/wet setup and I’d like to be able to insert my stomp boxes (drives and compressor) into path 1 and be able to place algorithms before or after the drives. Kinda like pre/post.

      Then use path 2 as a stereo effect in my wet amp.

      • #171341
        Eventide Staff

        Welcome to the forum. No need to apologize. Feel free to start a new thread for any other questions you may have.

        I believe you can accomplish this configuration, but it may be a little tricky to setup.

        You’ll want to use insert routing and follow the instructions for a Wet/Dry/Wet setup here: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.5.2/content/setup/wet-dry-wet.html

        In this scenario, the main path is the stereo wet signal, and the dry path is determined by where insert 3 is. You still have another insert path to use here, so you can use inputs/outputs 4 for the drive and compressor pedals.

        If you follow the routing examples, you can use parallel routing to have a separate wet and dry path. Put Insert 2 (drives/compressors) before Preset A, and Insert 1 (dry amp tap) after Preset A. Make sure that Insert 1’s mix level is at 100% and this will prevent that signal from being mixed back into the main stereo path:  https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.5.2/content/setup/wet-dry.html#wet-dry-examples

        Let me know what happens.

    • #171342

      Got it. Only issue is that I’m looking for a stereo input and output for the “2nd path.” In reality, I want to use dual routing mode but with a mono in/out and mono insert on path 1. Then use a stereo input and output for path 2. I don’t think this is possible, right?

      • #171343
        Eventide Staff

        No, when using Dual Mode you cannot use inserts.

        In the example I gave you, you can go stereo in/out on the main path (1/2), insert 3 will be a mono dry amp tap point, and insert 4 will be a mono insert path for the drive and compressors. Does that not accomplish what you’re looking for?

    • #171344

      I truly appreciate the help/assistance. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem possible what I’m trying to do. All good. Still incredible. Was hoping to utilize the H90 like two H9’s (dual mode in H90) but with H9 #1 being pre/post and the other being a stereo pedal in my wet rig. That’s where dual mode comes into play but with the ability to have an insert in path 1.

      That way I could have preset A before or after my drives, while maintaining the separate stereo in/out of Path 2 for stereo wet effects with preset B.

      I’ll figure it out. Thanks again.

    • #183943

      Hi there. I’ve read through this thread and I’m still a bit confused if H90 will work for my application.

      I’m hoping to use the H90 to process a mono and stereo signal path separately.

      my guess is in/out 1/2 for the stereo path and

      in/out 3 for the mono path.

      my understanding is that the algorithms configure themselves for mono or stereo.

      is this setup possible?

      • #183964
        Eventide Staff

        Yes, that is all correct. Connect Path 1 in stereo and Path 2 in mono and the algorithms will automatically determine the correct behavior.

        Let me know if you have any other questions.

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