H90 error? Preset B feeding into Preset A

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 error? Preset B feeding into Preset A

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    • #187123

      Got an H90 a couple of weeks ago and everything was amazing. Suddenly, literally overnight, Preset B is feeding into Preset A in every program. Example: Weedwacker is in Preset slot A, and Bouquet Delay is in Preset slot B, but you hear the delay before the distortion, and if the Mix on Bouquet/Preset B is turned up or down, it also turns Weedwacker/Preset A up or down.

      This is happening with every program, but it was not happening until this morning.

      I’m running the H90 in mono/series routing, guitar into In 1, and Out 1 straight into an amp. Firmware and H90 app/Mac are the latest release ( and 1.8.16).

      It’s possible I’m being stupid and somehow changed something that would account for this, but I’ve looked through every setting (and the manual again) and verified that everything looks correct. (I did not switch the order of A and B in the app.)

      Right now my H90 is unusable so I’m hoping there’s a solution. Any suggestions?




    • #187124
      Eventide Staff

      That is weird. The only way for this to happen is if someone changes the order of the presets in the routing menu either by pressing the first quick knob on the pedal or via the app. By any chance, did you import a playlist that was created in dual mode into insert mode or something like that?

    • #187125

      Thanks for the speedy reply! I haven’t imported any playlists, so that’s not the issue.

    • #187126
      Eventide Staff

      The only solution is to manually swap the order of the presets for the programs you use. I just don’t see how this could have happened globally.

      • #187132

        Swapping the preset order didn’t fix it, so I did a factory reset and it’s working fine now. I must have done something to mess it up, but it’s still not clear what that was. (And yes I read the manual.)

        Anyway, the issue is resolved.














    • #187127

      check the manual

    • #187133
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry you ran into this problem. We appreciate you reporting back. We haven’t seen this issue before, but I’m glad the reset fixed it for you.

    • #187140

      Thanks for your quick responses on this. Also a quick kudos for the product FAQs, which are a big help.

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