H90 – Export Program – Name Retention on Import??

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    • #167454


      Just trying to see what or if I’m missing something on the in application, “Export/Import Program” functions…

      So let’s say I export a program from User Bank 1 called “Dirty Ham”… and I rename it to “My_HamndB3.Pgm90″… in the “Save Program” dialog, before saving.  I can now see the saved file “My_HamndB3.Pgm90” file on the local drive/folder. Now, I want to use “Import Program…” to import this program to a User Bank 2 location. When the saved program comes into H90 control, User Bank 2, It has still retained the ORIGINAL program name “Dirty Ham”.

      Of course, I can then rename it from within User Bank 2… and it’s fine to use. If I rename the program “Dirty Ham” in User Bank 1, to let’s say “Dirty Hamster 3.Prog90” (shows New Name in User Bank 1 List, Save button dimmed, no Asterisk) …then again try to EXPORT… The original name “Dirty Ham.Pgm90” appears in the “Save Program” dialog. At this point, even if I rename the file again before Saving/Exporting, the original program name appears upon Import to User Bank 2.

      Note that this issue and described action, is using the “Right-Click” context menu of the selected H90 program. Have NOT checked this issue with “Import or Export” of modified presets (“.preset90” files) yet.

      Thanx for your attention.

      Win 10 Pro (x64),  H90 Control v 1.0.0 (SW Ver:, Audio Vers: 1.873, Panel Vers: M:1.415)

    • #167512
      Eventide Staff

      The Program name can only be edited using the pedal or H90 Control. When you export a Program and the saving dialog allows you to pick a name you’re just choosing a name for the exported Program file, you aren’t editing the Program data. I’m not sure if I can reproduce what you mentioned in the 2nd paragraph.

      To keep things simple, the best way to deal with editing your Program names is doing so on the pedal or with H90 Control, and not naming them something different when you export the file.

      Also, it is not necessary to export a Program just to move it or copy it to another list. You can accomplish this in a few ways:

      1. Right-click/copy the Program, then select your new list and right-click/paste the Program to a new slot.
      2. Select the new list you want to copy the Program to, click the Programs tab at the top of H90 Control, locate the Program and drag and drop it to a slot on the list.

      Let me know if that makes sense.

    • #167516

      Hey tbskoglund,

      Thanks for the reply.

      Yup… makes sense. Except that the H90 Control software is really powerful! Not having the ability to modify a program and exporting current data under a new name, can become cumbersome… and after renaming the program in the software or on the pedal, can overwrite a sweet “base” program that one spends the time to tweak and get just right… especially without the ability to “Insert/Shift” existing Programs in a given User List, and being limited to OVERWRITING existing slots in a User List. With, currently,  no ability to select USER LISTs via MIDI CC.  I guess either way, something gets replaced.

      To your point…  your right. But I guess copying an un-tweaked base version of a patch first, then working from there, would seem a best practice. However, something to consider, is that after you’ve changed the program you want to modify, select copy (without saving)… the originally saved version of the tweaked program is copied to the new location. Not the modified version. So that’s kind of a bummer.

      Is their room for an EDIT buffer maybe? Once a patch has been modified, then the writable program resides in the EDIT buffer? I dunno… just a thought.  Being able to COPY and/or SAVE the modified program with “current” data…sure would be sweet tho!

      I’ve attached a block diag. of my stage configuration as well as an image of my External MIDI control implementation chart, for controlling the H90 from the GT-1000 that I’ve been working on. Other than creating programs… you’ll notice that there’s little reason to touch the H90 for performance.

      Thanx for the feedback!


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    • #167520

      And block diagram!

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