H90 Feature Request: Global Kill Dry MIDI CC#

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    • #170879


      Request: Add a Global Kill Dry Parameter (MIDI CC#)



    • #170882
      Eventide Staff

      Can you be more specific about your request? You’d like to have a CC that toggles the Global kill dry setting on/off?

      What is the use case for turning kill dry on/off with a controller like this?

      Note that you can currently map the Program or Preset kill dry parameter on/off using a CC in H90 Control.

    • #170890

      “You’d like to have a CC that toggles the Global kill dry setting on/off?”


      However, it would be helpful if we could assign global source controls for Program parameters (mix, in, out..)

      For example, If I always want to assign a Hotknob to control the “P In gain” I have to assign program by program…

      I have the hotknob controlled by midi (expression pedal) and use it to swell without lost the tails when going to heel position (in gain -60).






      • #170903
        Eventide Staff

        Thanks for clarifying. This can be done with the current software, just not in the way you are attempting to do it.

        Program in gain, out gain, and mix can all be assigned to global controllers, but the control source must be a MIDI CC, aux switch, or expression pedal (not a HotKnob).

        If you set your expression pedal to control global P input gain, this will accomplish what you are looking for.


        Let me know if you have any questions.

    • #170934

      Thanks for replaying!

      It works as a MIDI CC. Thanks for that!

      But it doesn’t work as intended if I assign an aux switch as  a global control.

      When Global, the aux switch behaves as a momentary switch. Not as a latching.

      For example, if I assign a aux switch to P in Gain, when I press goes to 12db and when I release goes to -60.

      This is a problem, because when I assign the aux switch inside a  specifc Program, it works as intended (like a latching), but when assigned to GLOBAL or MIDI TRANSMIT it works as a MONETARY switch. Maybe there is a problem here…Should work as a Latching for both.

      Thanks again!



      • #170943
        Eventide Staff

        You’re welcome.

        What aux switch are you using? I just tested this and my aux switch has latching behavior. Note that you’ll need to use a momentary normally open aux switch for it to function properly with the H90.

        Also, make sure that you’ve set the input to use an aux switch and calibrated it before testing. This is configured in System Settings > I/O.

    • #170946

      I’m using this one:


      It is a momentary normally open device.

      I have already calibrated.


       I just tested this and my aux switch has latching behavior.

      Even using it as with midi transmit? Or Global?

      Because, as I said, it works perfect inside the program.



      • #170947
        Eventide Staff

        Thanks for the info. I can’t reproduce this behavior with my aux switch. It always acts as a latching switch, even with global mappings or MIDI transmit.

    • #170948

      Ok. Thanks. So the problem is on my end. Appreciate your patience.

      I will try another switch and I’ll let you know how it goes.


    • #170958

      Not working for me…

      I’ve uploaded a video to show the issue.

      Thanks again!

    • #170959

      Not sure if the video was uploaded…



    • #170978
      Eventide Staff

      Thanks for sharing the video. It does look like your switch is behaving correctly, and I was testing this with the wrong (latching) type of aux switch. Sorry about that.

      Mapping aux switches directly to knobs only supports momentary behavior. You could globally map your aux switch to a momentary Hot Switch and then map the P in gain to that Hot Switch as a work around.

    • #170985

      Is there any possibility to implement support for latching behavior?

      Momentary behavior has a very restrict use, mainly with midi.



      • #171001
        Eventide Staff

        Yes, I can log your request and it may be added in a future update.

      • #171024

        Throwing more hardware at an issue isn’t always the best solution.  But, as Tyler alluded to, a latching switch does get you where you want to go.  I’ll simply add that something like a Boss FS-6 or FS-7 will configure either switch (or both) as momentary or latching.

    • #171026


      Yes, I can log your request and it may be added in a future update.


      Thanks for considering the request.

    • #171055

      I’ll simply add that something like a Boss FS-6 or FS-7 will configure either switch (or both) as momentary or latching.

      The behavior is different for the same source control.

      For example, if I use switch 1 for controlling any parameter in a program and the same switch as a global cc#, it will not work for both. Because for the program the behavior will be latching and for the global assignment momentary.

      Sorry, but the way it is now is almost unusable. Very restrict use.

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