H90 Feature Request – MIDI Note IN on harmoniser

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 Feature Request – MIDI Note IN on harmoniser

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    • #184689

      Hiya there,


      Would be great if the H90 could take MIDI note information from a midi keyboard or any MIDI source and that those notes could control the notes the harmoniser plays. Would this be possible?


    • #184694
      Eventide Staff


      This feature currently exists for some of the algorithms on the H9000, and we are considering some options to incorporate it into the H90 as well. We can let other users post their interest on this thread and that will help us determine the priority of this feature. Thanks for taking the time to share your request.

    • #184709

      Yes, that would be great, especially in conjunction with the new SIFT algorithms.

      Bring more keyboardists into the fold.  Sure would beat doing this:

      PitchFactor H910-H949 Remote - MIDI Note Values RED


    • #184718

      +1 please.

    • #186476

      extremely intersted in this

    • #186477

      +1 please.

    • #186552

      +1 please.

    • #186556

      I would love that feature!

    • #186575

      Yes, please.

    • #186639


      I would also like to see an Octavox algorithm in the H90 or standalone pedal that can be controlled by Midi Notes, regardless of scale.

    • #187611

      … in conjunction with the new SIFT algorithms …

      H90 MIDI Note to MIDI CC Chart

      Three pages:

      1. centered on 49 keyboard
      2. split left / octave down for 61 or 73 keyboard
      3. split right / octave up for 61 or 73 keyboard

      Three pairs of target parameters:

      1. Polyphony Shift A & B
      2. PolyFlex Shift A & B
      3. PolyFlex Flex A & B

      To follow:

      • Dedicated thread topic
      • H90 Program templates
      • Applications
      • Tips & tricks
      • MIDI Note to CC conversion templates
      • Limited to devices I actually own / use
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    • #187679

      Agree!! it should be really easy to make a vocoder out of this powerful machine and i can’t believe its not already there from the beginning, i love my h90.



    • #187705

      • MIDI Note to CC conversion templates
      • Limited to devices I actually own / use …

      Just a PSA, no affiliation, kickbacks, freebies, and no hands-on experience (just yet).

      For MIDI Note to CC translation, this may be the simplest, most cost-effective solution I’ve stumbled across, in a small hardware footprint.


      Cost of entry: as low as $20 US for single USB to DIN / DIN.  $50 to $70 US, depending on the number & types of MIDI ports needed.  As a bonus, these may work out to be (under)pedalboard-friendly.

      I have been using a number of other ITB & hardware units for my MIDI message conversions.  But I did just add a CME U6MIDI Pro to tonight’s  online order.  Mainly to have access to MPE / poly-aftertouch remapping, plus a few other unique tricks.

      Let’s see how this one works out with – say – a Hydrasynth arpeggiator pushing the H90 SIFT shifters.

    • #187798

      if the H90 could take MIDI note information from a midi keyboard or any MIDI source and that those notes could control the notes the harmoniser plays. Very interested in this.

    • #187799

      For this to be effective, an Octavox Algorithm (chromatic, not restricted to a scale like the plugin) is needed here. Otherwise how would a Midi keyboard control two parallel instances of a 4 Voice pitch shifter?

    • #187800

      For this to be effective, an Octavox Algorithm (chromatic, not restricted to a scale like the plugin) is needed here. Otherwise how would a Midi keyboard control two parallel instances of a 4 Voice pitch shifter?

      With the current SIFT algorithms, I’m taking a page from 2.0 MPE: MIDI Channels and round robins.  H90 Receive Omni.  4 CCs, one for each voice.  The ‘missing’ intervals in Poly(x) lower & upper octaves do present a challenge, but not an insurmountable one.

      Or polyphonic sequencers, many having dedicated tracks for controllers.  The Alesis  Ion / Micron sends out 4 channelized arpeggiators.  So many options are out there now.  A capable event processor / MIDI Mapper being the missing link.  At times, hidden in plain view (Morningstar).

      I suppose the purely ITB setups have more plentiful options at their disposal for Note-to-CC remapping.  I’m always on the hunt for powerful, small, yet (relatively) easy to program hardware.  Something more dedicated & amenable to live use.

      Not exactly plug ‘n’ play.  Plus one more piece of hardware and another a cable.  But it’s something I can be using right now.

    • #188495

      A “why not?’ reaction to one of the newer features in Enzo X.

          H90 MIDI Note to MIDI CC Chart – Shift Parameters in PolySynth

      PolySynth Shift - Note to CC

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