H90 Feature request: More more effects at once in the chain

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    • #175811

      I don’t need to have 4 reverbs or other complex algos, that’s not the intention of this post. But it would be very helpful if there could be some utility effects added into a chain to shape the sound even further in the box. Things I have in mind:

      • LP/HP/BP 12/18/24/48 db Filter
      • Parametric EQ
      • Compressor
      • Panorama adjustments

      What do you think?

    • #175812

      I had this thought as well, but for a different purpose as I use a hybrid and would love to have 2 algo’s per path 1,2)

      Even, if you could “bounce” an effect combination down to one opening up a spot for more it would kinda neat as well

    • #175878

      Related question: is there a way to see the DSP load? Maybe in the H90 Control app? What’s the most DSP-intensive algorithm?

      • #176605
        Eventide Staff

        There is no way to see the DSP load of an algorithm since this is not necessary for the end user. The H90 is designed so it can run any combination of any 2 algorithms.

    • #176602

      Any comment from the Eventide staff? 🙂

      • #176606
        Eventide Staff

        Sorry for not responding sooner. These are great ideas, and we have discussed the option of some utility processors like this in the H90.

        I can’t provide any sort of timeline for this, but if you have any suggestions for how you’d like to see these implemented, or any specific features, we’d be happy to hear your input.

      • #176610

        ….LP/HP/BP 12/18/24/48 db Filter…

        filters please.

      • #176730

        I could fully understand that the UI/UX challenge is a reason why this has not be implemented yet.

        I can see two spots where this could be implemented. I assume that two new of these sound shaping tools would be available.

        1. As an add-on of each algorithm

        On the last parameter page where in/out gain is located would be two new parameters:

        • Shaping Tool: Would select the type of tool to be applied like 4 band EQ, Pan, Compressor, Gate.
        • Position: Determines if the tool is applied before or after the effect.

        Depending on the tool there would be a few more pages for the parameters. I see certain pros and cons:

        + Seamlessly blends into the existing menu structure.
        + Easily discoverable and accessible when doing sound design.

        – It should be part of an algorithm preset to keep UX simple and predictable but might not make always sense as such because it’s dependent of the whole effect chain.
        – Re-position of the tool (eg. use it after algo two instead of before algo one in the chain) is cumbersome.
        – The final amount of parameters can be big. There are algos which have 12 parameters and if a 4 band EQ with filters is selected as tool the total amount of parameters would be 30 spread over 10 pages.
        – Adding more than one tool would make the menu a mess.


        2. As dedicated blocks in the routing chain

        The routing menu would get two new pages before or after the insert configuration. Each page would consist of two static parameters which are similar to the one above:

        • Type: Would select the type of tool to be applied like 4 band EQ, Pan, Compressor, Gate
        • Position: Determines the position in the effect chain

        Depending on which type would have been selected, additional parameters would be visible.

        Pros and cons I see in this solution:

        + The blocks are independent from the effects which allows easier positioning and persistent state between preset/algorithm changes.
        + It’s a bit more logical
        + More sound shaping possibilities because more flexible placement (ie. affect inserts or one algo with two tools)

        – The menu structure and visual representation within the routing menu needs more rework compared to the solution above.
        – Accessibility is not ideal because it’s a different menu not directly associated with sound design.
        – Preset saving would only possible on the program level unless new paradigms for that would be introduced.

        What do you think? I’m very open to additions or different approaches.

    • #176603

      I would kill for an EQ

    • #176705

      A basic EQ and/or HP/LP filter utility would be incredibly helpful.

    • #176709

      Yeah, its a pity the EQ has to take up one slot. A simple high pass & low pass in the pre section would be amazing.

      The delays don’t have dampening or eq like Boss DD.  The high end can tend to run away in the fx section – what about an H3000 mode that cuts from round 10k?


      • #176717

        I agree about with the global HP/LP filter in concept, but (playing devil’s advocate here) that may get doubled up / be redundant / cause confusion with the filters already present in the individual algorithms.  But a multimode filter – automatable parameters – variable steepness – resonance option … now we’re talking.

        As for the Boss DD part (I only have a retired DD-20 here) … I might be misunderstanding here, but I consider the H90 delay algorithms without a filter to be more the exception than the rule.  The newer algorithms with many more exposed parameters, yes.  No filter options.

      • #176725

        For the sake of simplicity, a 4 band PEQ with LPF/HPF/HSF/LSF options and adjustable steepness for the filters would fit all use cases on one module. Sometimes filters are cool for shaping a sound but it can also easily kill the character. Often it’s just about one or two frequency bands which need adjustment.

    • #176723
      Eventide Staff

      Yeah, its a pity the EQ has to take up one slot. A simple high pass & low pass in the pre section would be amazing. The delays don’t have dampening or eq like Boss DD. The high end can tend to run away in the fx section – what about an H3000 mode that cuts from round 10k?

      Some of the TimeFactor algorithms and MicroPitch have damping filters in the feedback section. If you need both a low cut and a high cut, the Vintage Delay algorithm is a dark horse as the filter knob has two filters running in the feedback loop; I find Vintage Delay with bits set to 11-13, depth set to 2, rate set to taste, and filter in the 25-45 range gets an ethereal float…

      The tone knobs in delays that go +/- do cut up high if you turn the knob in the right direction. Look at Digital Delay and Mod Delay in particular (plus MicroPitch, which is more than just a detuner…). I also find that setting the mode on H910/H949 algorithm can be used to dial in the top end…

    • #176726

      Thank you! You 100% understand what I’m after; I reckon I just need to familiarize myself a bit better with all these algorithms.

      BTW, I was referring to Boss’s latest DD-500; it allows eq adjustment in various places including the Feedback section & has customizable dampening eq shelves.

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