H90 Flat Tuning

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    • #166843
      gas hed

        Hello folks – I’d like to create a preset on my H90 that I can use to play songs that are tuned 1/2 step down but stay in standard tuning on my guitar.  I’m wondering which is the best algorithm to choose for that?

      • #166845

          The new Polyphony algorithm.  Hands down.  I’ve compared it to all of the other, capable algorithms.

          Mix 100 – Pitch A&B -m2 Inst Type- Percussive.  Neutral / nominal settings on the rest.  Or not.

        • #166891
          gas hed

            Thanks brock.  What’s interesting is that I am only using A as when B is engaged I have a noticeable increase in volume.  The other thing that works for me is that I’m using Pitch for Inst Type.  I found that the Percussive setting creates a bit of a warble when the notes ring out.  I’m only going a half step down, but it’s there.  Could be kinda cool I’m thinking for when I cover Come As You Are by Nirvana actually.  This unit is effing amazing!

          • #167116
            gas hed

              I take it back, Percussive setting is better.  Still a bit of that strange echo warble but it is lessened compared to Pitch.

            • #167298

                how do you guys find the h90 compares to plugins like polycapo?

              • #167307

                  No side-by-side access to the newer EHX or Digitech hardware; only pedals & racks from a generation or two back.  Plugin-wise, I’m calling Polyphony my Melodyne-in-a-box, if that helps any.

                  As for the conversation above with gas hed, yes, there is a boost with using both Pitch A & B simultaneously.  I neglected to mention that I dial back the A&B Levels to around 80-85 to gain-stage Active / Bypass.  I also like to pan each side with a tiny bit of Detune (like +/- 1c).  Out to stereo, so I haven’t mixed that down to mono for comparison.

                  That setup may play into why I’m not getting the ‘warble on decay’ mentioned.  That said, I do use the Inst Type as a general starting guide, like the H910 / 949 splicing options in the H9.  Final choice of Percussive or Pitched depends on the application and ears.

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