H90 global gain/volume

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    • #168007

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Is there a way to control gain/volume of H90 globally…or is it only via each program/preset?</p>

    • #168008

      Chiming in on this question. I’m finding that many of the H90 presets are significantly and noticeably louder than unity gain which is discouraging me from using them without making my own adjustments to each one.

      For example, program 2 “Clean Ambient” seems to be almost 5dB louder than unity gain (input gain for this program is set to 0.8dB by default but probably needs to be -0.1).

      • #168019
        Eventide Staff

        Hi gehiere,

        Everyone’s system and use cases are different. How are you connecting the H90? Are you not using it in a guitar scenario? Are you running things at a different impedance?

      • #168022

        Thanks for your reply. I think my setup is fairly conventional: My guitar goes into a Strymon Iridium, then the left and right output from the Iridium is connected to inputs 1 and 2 on the H90. Outputs 1 and 2 from the H90 go to my Audient interface’s D.I. inputs.

        As I’ve spent more time with the unit I’ve noticed that some patches are quieter and some are louder, so what I’m noticing is probably how the sound designer intended it to be. A master volume won’t fix that, I think I just have to tweak the patches I like manually.

      • #168023
        Eventide Staff

        You’re probably right. Since you’re running the H90 post cab sim and into an audio interface, it may be better to running the I/O at line level instead of instrument level. Experiment with both to see what works best.

    • #168018
      Eventide Staff

      Hi kevo888,

      Yes, you may assign an external controller to “P In Gain” or “P Out Gain” of all Programs in the Systems Settings > Global > Global-Pedal Ctl

    • #168054

      HI, coming in on this…having spent some more time with the H90, it feels unlikely to me that the disparity in gain/volume is a design feature. It feels more like a bug to me.

    • #168067

      I also have noticed a large difference in output volume with some of the presets.

    • #168150

      My experience has been the same. The volume levels of the factory presets are all over the map.

    • #169338

      I’ve been experiencing this problem and it seems to relate (at least partly) to the mix control.


      For example on preset 1 ambient delay if you turn the program mix down as you approach 50 the level increases dramatically and then as you go down to zero it returns to unity. I understand that the designer has an issue as the mix changes the levels need to be managed, but either they have got the algorithm for volume/mix wrong or it is interacting with the volume/mix of each individual preset in the program in a negative way.

      The problem is so bad for me that I get a little distortion on the digital delay at times.

    • #174070

      Any fix for this?  I’ve definitely noticed a huge difference in volume from one preset to the next.  I’m just running it directly into a fender deluxe.

      • #174071
        Eventide Staff

        Yes, it’s true, there are some inconsistencies between programs and it may stem from the variety of sound designers that worked on H90. However, all Program/Presets can be easily adjusted to work with your setup. You just have to decide what method works best – adjusting Program output gain, preset gains or both, depending on the effects routing.

    • #174072

      Ok thank you!

    • #174179

      Yes, it’s true, there are some inconsistencies between programs and it may stem from the variety of sound designers that worked on H90. However, all Program/Presets can be easily adjusted to work with your setup. You just have to decide what method works best – adjusting Program output gain, preset gains or both, depending on the effects routing.

      I think would be best to level up all the presets by factory, so users don’t have to spend time on fixing this or risking equipment or hearing damage due to unexpected overloads.

    • #174548

      Yes, it’s true, there are some inconsistencies between programs and it may stem from the variety of sound designers that worked on H90. However, all Program/Presets can be easily adjusted to work with your setup. You just have to decide what method works best – adjusting Program output gain, preset gains or both, depending on the effects routing.

      I think would be best to level up all the presets by factory, so users don’t have to spend time on fixing this or risking equipment or hearing damage due to unexpected overloads.


      Yes agree! It makes a lot of sense for factory levels to be matched vs expecting users to navigate the unit and make all the edits. This will also make ‘resets’ much more friendly so levels don’t go out of whack again.

    • #184899
      patric oconnor

      Also wishing the H90 had a global master for I/O . Having to go through each preset and change the levels is super tedious…

    • #187207

      I’m new to the H90 and the very first ‘issue’ I fight with is that ‘volume’ is all over the place, there really is no reason why that have to be. Calling that an inconsistency is a bit off 😉 That inconsistency seems to exist so quite a long time and could/should have been fixed a long time ago. Maybe publishing a bug/fix/update….

      • #187326
        Eventide Staff

        We may change the factory programs to have more consistent levels in the future. For now, you can adjust the factory preset/programs using the gain parameters and save them to your liking.

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