H90 Inserts – I’m Using [Fill In The Blanks]

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    • #168230

      It might be interesting to see what everyone is using (or plans to use) with their H90 Inserts.  Spawn & share some ideas. The sky’s the limit with the H90.  It could be your favorite analog(ue) dirt, or some pedal you can’t live without (or duplicate internally).  Your trusty ol’ H9 is a great choice.

      As for me, I must’ve tried just about everything in the toolkit.  Option paralysis.  I really want to incorporate the DSI Evolver Desktop: External stereo input processing & triggers, analog filters, distortion / hacks, sequencer, bootstrap MIDI control source.  It will have to stay home: it is simply too big, with unwieldy onboard programming.

      Something to be said for two mono inserts, as well.  I lost days on an EHX SuperEgo+ and Eventide Rose combination.  I guess there’s no law against treating each insert as its own effect chain.  But I’ve been spoiled by using multiple H9s as parallel effects.

      My leading contender is Poly Effects Beebo.  It just does too damn much to ignore; fully integrated with the H90.  I imagine an Empress Zoia would fill a similar role.  Now, what to do with that lonely RJM Mini Line Mixer mounted under the pedalboard …?

    • #168251

      My plan is to eventually have my Glou-Glou Loupé in the stereo loop, once I acquire some non-right-angle patch cables.

    • #168253

      Yeah, it gets kind of tight in there when you’re fully loaded.  And you have to account for the added length on the straights.  Right angle on EXP/CTL 1, that’s about it.  I had a pile of EBS insert cables here (STR TRS to 2 R/A TS).  KIND OF works for the Beebo patching.  Messy squeeze of hybrid of straight & right angle.

      Excellent choice.  Add a myriad of new effects to the H90 arsenal, with a looper focus.  I looked into the Loupé some; amazing design.  Along those lines, I did try an Infinity (1) in the slots.  Also H9s; leaning in to its Looper & ‘micro-looping’ algorithms (just about all of them are capable of the latter).  Very good, especially the H9[s), but I wanted a bit more.

      I decided to cover both of those with Beebo’s (somewhat flakey) Loopler, along with its potential for effects sound design.  I also like the idea of a versatile MIDI generator living right next door.  H90 + Mad Scientist FX Routing + LFOs, envelopes, step sequencers, …

    • #168256

      I mentioned this in another post, I’m using the H90 insert 1 out to route to a Vox Ac15. The stereo outs of the H90 go to a Roland JC40 (in stereo). Its a brilliant setup, the Vox can be placed anywhere in the signal path (with or with out effects) and with send level control. I have one of the six switches (on the H90) set to insert 1 so can manually switch the amp if I wish, or obviously include the status in a programme.

    • #168258

      … H90 insert 1 out to route to a Vox Ac15. The stereo outs of the H90 go to a Roland JC40 (in stereo). Its a brilliant setup…

      See, now that’s what I’m talking about: Innovative.  A configurable superset of W/D/W.  In stereo here myself, but I’ve been using workarounds to jump the input signals over (leaving both Inserts available).  But yours is a cool approach that I hadn’t considered.

      • #168272

        That is a fantastic idea. I have been floating ideas in my head for weeks about which pedals to go into inserts. It never occured to me that it could be an amp. Brilliant.

      • #168284

        Once you realize that there’s no requirement that an insert signal actually *returns* to the H90, a whole realm of possible new uses opens up.

    • #168287

      The other excellent thing is, you can control the phase of the insert on a per preset  basis which opens up more creative oppurtunites when sending to an amp…..

    • #168295

      I’m using insert 1 to go into my Iridium that sends back to input 3. Insert 2 sends to my amp, and the stereo outs (1+2) go into my interface. This way I can play through my amp with the H90, and when I want to record or play through my monitors I don’t need to touch any cables. Works great and I can also put the Iridium pre/post effects depending on the program. The mix on insert 2 (to amp) must be 0%. Thanks to @joecozzi for his guidance.

    • #168300

      I’m so overwhelm with all the options. I can’t settle on anything and end up using H90 by itself. lol Which is great! But I would love to add some of these pedals.

      Loupe, LVX, Microcosm, Beebo, Baklengs, CT5 and Habit. Overdrives and Fuzz pedals and 3 amps and Reaper software.

      My head is spinning!!!


    • #168314

      I’m using insert 1 to go into my Iridium that sends back to input 3. Insert 2 sends to my amp, and the stereo outs (1+2) go into my interface. This way I can play through my amp with the H90, and when I want to record or play through my monitors I don’t need to touch any cables. Works great and I can also put the Iridium pre/post effects depending on the program. The mix on insert 2 (to amp) must be 0%. Thanks to @joecozzi for his guidance.



    • #169596

      I stumbled onto this one backwards.  Not using your physical Insert routings / jacks for anything?  Looking for a super long delayed effect?

      Select an INIT Program (blank THRU/THRU).

      • Load up a delay [UltraTap] in Preset (A).
      • Parameter Edit:  MIX = 100.  Length = 10.00s  Taps = 1
      • Load up another delay [Reverse] (or anything else) in Preset (B).
      • Parameter Edit:  Mix = 100.  Delay(s) = 3000 mS.

      Tap the Parameters LED button again for the (P) INIT Program page.

      • Parameter Edit:  Mix = 50

      Tap the Routing LED button.

      • Keep it in Insert Mode – Series.
      • Turn a couple clicks on Quick Knob 2 [Insert 1].
      • (1) should be in parallel (dotted line) with your two Presets (still in series).

      Dry input signal, as always.  10 seconds later, the reversed delay tail pops through.

      For extra credit:  Try looping the Looper.  CB Habit, I’m comin’ after ya’.

    • #169822

      well… I humbly connect a Bogner Burnley on insert 1 and a Darkglass Duality on insert 2. I can’t even begin to understand most of what was described in some of the comments.

    • #169827

      There’s nothing wrong with simpler schemes for the Inserts.  I think that’s part of the beauty of this system.  It’s so versatile that it will accommodate straight-up inserts, 4-cable, signal splits, signal mixing, and up to all manner of complexities (plus dual routing).

      For me, the best feature is how all of the interior routing is handled.  Brilliant, yet clearly illustrated on the pedal screen itself.

      I started this thread to see how other users were utilizing the Inserts.  And I wasn’t disappointed by the range of ideas people came up with.

      I’m waiting to see when someone pops up with two complete daughter pedalboards plugged in as Inserts.  You just know it’s out there.

    • #170586

      I have tried a few different setups.


      Wet/Dry/Wet direct from the H90 was fun and easy to setup with output 1/2 to the wet amps and output 3 to the dry amp.

      Same setup as above with a few drive pedals in a mono loop was pretty cool also, but i can never stop tweaking and reordering my gain pedals, so presets didn’t really work out that well in this setup for me.


      Wet/Dry TPS style was very cool, but i missed some stereo effects.


      Now I have a stereo setup with SA Ventris and Strymon timeline in a stereo loop and all gain pedals in front of the H90.

      I really love this setup which makes it possible to run the Ventris and Timeline effects in parallel with the H90.


      Might try this setup with a splitter before the H90 for a W/D/W version, but that will prevent me from having a 100% wet Leslie and similar sounds.

      So I might end up getting a ES-8 or something similar for even more flexibility.


    • #172253

      Summer is typically my slowest time of year work-wise, so I bought my H90 about a month ago with the intention of being able to dive deep over the next couple months.  I am new to Eventide gear, and after just getting some general familiarity with it over the past month I have to say that it is everything I’d hoped for and more.

      Insert-wise, I’ve got ZOIA in both inserts of a parallel H90 program (DigitalDelay||Diatonic).  ZOIA’s flanger *starts* in insert 1 after the DD, and ZOIA’s envelope filter *starts* in insert 2, after the Diatonic.  Nothing groundbreaking.  The fun part tho, is that the ZOIA patch is programmed to “flip the insert routing” – via flipping which FX goes to which of its outputs – every X# beats (3 in this example:  https://youtu.be/IbuW4U4_gAw)…  so [DD+flanger] in parallel with [Diatonic+E-F], then [DD+E-F] in parallel with [Diatonic+flanger], and back & forth they go.  ZOIA is also randomly picking the A & B pitches of Diatonic, and the H90’s hot switches 2 & 3 are programmed to freeze the delays of the DD & Diatonic respectively.  Like I said nothing groundbreaking, but super fun and loads of possibilities.  Now that I’m getting comfortable with the H90, next on my list is inserting my ZOIA dual looper & granular patches (https://patchstorage.com/author/fiddlercrabseason/). 😊


      Thanks Eventide for making such a great piece of gear.  And thanks to brock, rck and rustydutch for the H90 “tutorials” (via patchstorage).


      It’s going to be a great summer. 😊



      • #172255

        Actually, that’s a very creative application.  Certainly the ZOIA patching is ‘groundbreaking’, in its synergy with the H90.  Sounds great in the video.

        Serendipity.  I was (just now) routing some short patch cable jumpers in the H90 inserts, and thought about this thread.  I had been toying with ways to create feedback loops around both Presets.

        Mid-experiment, my light-bulb moment was “Why did I disconnect the Poly Effects Beebo, when I can route everything from inside there?”

        ZOIA seems to be similar:  you can do most anything you can dream up when it’s paired with an H90.

    • #172257

      …ZOIA seems to be similar: you can do most anything you can dream up when it’s paired with an H90.

      Indeed.  I’ve literally been losing sleep thinking about all the potential, and how these two pedals seem to have been made for one another.

    • #172799

      I have been trying to utilize the insert on the H90 and it works great when its on but what I am trying to do is control it via midi to bring it in and out so I have a couple questions because what I have tried seems to have undesired results so far.  That said, I may be doing something wrong so I don’t want to dismiss that as the problem.

      So I am able to control the bypass / active state of the insert itself (set to parallel routing) but it still seems to be sending a dry signal through the insert path and only when changing the routing of the insert from “parallel” to “off” does it kill the dry signal completely which is the result I am after.

      So is there a way to achieve that change of the insert routing from parallel to off via some midi CC’s or some combination of midi CC’s to be able to toggle between the two options and just leave the insert active essentially but turn the routing on and off instead?

      I am using a Mastermind GT24 so I definitely have the flexibility to send multiple combinations of CC’s if necessary.

      If that is NOT possible, is there a way to utilize the active/bypass of the insert itself and it kill the dry signal going through the insert?

      Thanks in advance for your help!

      • #172803
        Eventide Staff


        No, it is not possible to change the Insert Routing via MIDI CC.

        One option would be to have duplicate Programs where one has the routing off and the other has the routing in parallel. Then you can just send a PC message to load the different Programs and the spillover should make the change smooth.

        What is the device you are using as an insert? Can this be controlled via MIDI? If the device has kill dry or an output level, you could bypass the insert on the device or turn the output level down to 0 and that should resolve the issue.

    • #172804

      Thanks so much for that info! I have thrown a couple things in the insert loop at this point but ultimately was wanting to use my Eventide Eclipse in there and hoping to be able to assign an expression pedal via the H90 to control the insert mix level and also be able to control the position of the Eclipse as well routing wise but you confirmed the latter cannot be done but how about controlling the mix level of the insert via midi is that possible?  My apologies as well if I should move this to a different thread / post just let me know!  Thanks so much again in advance!

      • #172811
        Eventide Staff

        You’re welcome. The H90’s insert send/return/mix parameters are not able to be mapped to external controllers, but we may add this feature in a future update.

        If the Eclipse will always be in the insert path on the H90, your best bet would be to map an expression pedal/MIDI controller to the output gain of the Eclipse. This way, when you turn the output gain level down, there is no dry signal on the H90’s insert path. This also allows you to use the expression pedal as a level control for the Eclipse.

        You could even connect the expression pedal to the H90, and then convert that to MIDI using the H90’s MIDI transmit. This would allow you to send MIDI PC and CC messages to the Eclipse from the H90.


      • #172814

        Awesome idea thanks so much!

    • #177089

      The left H90 has the Hologram Chroma Console as the stereo insert.


      The right H90 has a Walrus Audio Meraki, and a Poly Effects Verbs as it’s stereo insert.


      These are the core of my effects via send/returns, combined with in-rack distortion, drive and a multi-effect, I’m covered and couldn’t be happier with the H90s.


    • #177091

      As of a few weeks ago, I’ve got MAX, VCV Rack and Live all wired into my pedal chain via [H90 -> Scarlett 4i4 -> laptop -> 4i4 -> H90].  Full MIDI control over the lot via MC-8, and able to switch them around within the pedal chain via ES-8.  Probably not practical for a live rig, but for home studio it’s rad.

    • #177100

      In my mono guitar pedalboard setup, I haven’t played with the H90 inserts yet (H90 is at the end of the board right before the amp), but I intend to start with the Boss CE-2W in insert  one, as it will allow me to use the H90’s Mix control with it. I always wished the CE-2 had one,  to allow for more subtle chorusing. The ability to add a Mix control to any pedal is very cool,  I think, on top of all the obvious position/routing options.

      Secondly, I’d like to add my Moog Minifooger Drive in the other insert, which is an extremely versatile preamp, distortion, resonant ladder filter and EQ/tone box. I am hoping the H90’s ability to reverse the polarity of the signal and mix in some of the dry signal might allow me to derive some other interesting shapes from the resonant LPF. There was a really cool patch in the Allen Strange modular book about getting HPF out of a LPF, which I used to do with the MF-101 and modular. I think you need to mix the reverse polarity signal with the Dry signal in just the right amount. Will be interested to try it!

      If I ever get a stereo rig going then I imagine my DC-2W would be very cool for nice wide ambient pads etc.

    • #177108

      I bo

      If I ever get a stereo rig going then I imagine my DC-2W would be very cool for nice wide ambient pads etc.

      I bought one of those over the holidays and have inserted it stereo and it is indeed a gateway to ultimate ambient pads!  I was making some korg polysix pad reverb sandwiches (with the boss stereo chorus as the meat) and the eventide reverbs are so sweet and the boss pedal is just another shot of pure sugar.  I use my H90 in a desktop/DAW set up with the app and being able to rearrange the position of each effect so easily makes it extra fun and I love hearing how different one reverb into the chorus sounds vs. another.  At some point I’m going to do a mega chorus with maybe an H910 chorus into a TriceraChorus and then the boss chorus. . .

    • #177114

      As of a few weeks ago, I’ve got MAX, VCV Rack and Live all wired into my pedal chain via [H90 -> Scarlett 4i4 -> laptop -> 4i4 -> H90]. Full MIDI control over the lot via MC-8, and able to switch them around within the pedal chain via ES-8. Probably not practical for a live rig, but for home studio it’s rad.

      Yeah, the es-8/9 are fantastic, I have one or the other in every rack, you can get up too all kinds of routing shenanigans through a DAW with one.

      • #177138

        you can get up too all kinds of routing

        too = to, thank you Autocorrect.

    • #177205

      I’ve been wanting to have it run into the focusrite… for sends and returns. But I’m short on cables.

      usually, I run my guitar through it… along with the Timeline.

      just trying to learn my way with it as much as I can. Hands on.


      sometimes I run my Nord Lead 1 into it. All good stuff.

    • #187917

      I have similar issue to one of the guys above…

      Set up as follows…
      Kill dry is on
      EVH style Detune is on in parallel with my dry signal using GigRig Wetter box and mixed down to same volume level as amp dry.
      I want to use 2 x seperate delay’s in the inserts and set to Parallel
      These delays are both set to KILL DRY…
      BUT when selecting “parallel” routing of the Inserts on the H90 (irrespective of whether the delays are on or off) – my volume DOUBLES???
      grrrr why…..
      Surely it shouldn’t allow signal through as parallel – should only be the delayed sound and kill dry???
      Please help

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