H90 Looper

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    • #174095

      I am experiencing some difficulty using the looper on the H90.

      To get the most out of the looper does it require a separate three button switch or MIDI controller? I can’t seem to figure it out on the control app but only the one button looper which is not very convenient or user friendly.

      Maybe their is a video on YouTube on how to properly utilize it.

      Thanks in advance


    • #174097
      Eventide Staff


      Yes, if you’d like more control beyond the 1-button looper, it is best to use a 3-button aux switch or MIDI controller.

      If you’d like some tips or advice about using the 1-button looper, I am happy to offer some help.

      A user has posted a great looper tutorial here: https://www.thegearpage.net/board/index.php?threads/looping-with-the-h90-part-1-basic-setup.2478513/

    • #174174

      Great work with a complete looper overview.  I tried adding all the other installments in one place (flagged as spam for too many links).

      So here they are, one reply at a time.

      Looping with the H90, Part 2: AUX/MIDI transport


    • #174175
    • #174176
    • #174177
    • #176151
    • #177211

      well, I didn’t buy this for looping so this is a bit of a moot point but here goes nonetheless:

      1. Can I not freely assign controls to ANY of the 3 switches?  Like EDP+ footpedal layout for example…

      2. When trying to toggle through the switch assignments while a loop is playing (via the LED buttons immediately above the footswitches) the display immediately reverts back to the transport time readout…which makes it hard/impossible to change the assignment of this switch.  Now this wouldn’t normally be a problem but I can’t seem to freely assign, say “latch replace” to another switch.

      (trying to upload a quick video but no worky)

      • #177224
        Eventide Staff

        1. Correct. On the H90, you can only assign P parameters to the P footswitch, A parameters to the A footswitch, and B parameters to the B footswitch.

        2. The looper transport will always be displayed when either 1-button looper, record, or play is assigned to the footswitch. It sounds like this is what you are experiencing.

        I would recommend using only the 1-button looper and not changing the footswitch assignment, or using a MIDI controller or 3-button aux switch if you’d like access to more looper transport controls.

      • #188246

        I’m confused on this setup as well. When I have the looper preset on, and I’m in perform mode, I have to scroll to the third page of footswitch assignments to get to the REC PLAY STOP. Can I get these to be assigned to the first page? Seems odd the way it is setup and I can’t seem to see how/where in the H90 Control software to set these. I see FS1-6 parameter settings, but that doesn’t seem to be getting me what I need for the looper controls.

    • #177244

      Noted and thanks.

    • #187505

      Looping with the H90, Part 7: Loop Start and Length


      All I can say, Mr. Celticelk: You really get it.  We are very much on a parallel paths, down to controller choices, multiple instances, and combo-algos.  An endless Program List(s) in progress here, while compiling the tips ‘n’ tricks I’ve run across.  Mix control behavior, to name just one.

    • #187576

      I would still really like the ability to disable catchup.

    • #188249

      I… in perform mode, I have to scroll to the third page of footswitch assignments to get to the REC PLAY STOP. Can I get these to be assigned to the first page?

      No, these were ‘added access’ pages, locked to pages 3 or 4.  To date, anything beyond the standard 2 page flip is unique to the Looper algorithm.

      … Seems odd the way it is setup and I can’t seem to see how/where in the H90 Control software to set these. I see FS1-6 parameter settings, but that doesn’t seem to be getting me what I need for the looper controls.

      It had me scratching my head at first, too.  I don’t believe there is a way to map those in H90 Control.

      I assign REC PLAY STOP on the pedal itself.  In Perform Mode, press the corresponding LED switch below each page 3/4 Looper command, and dial the Quick Knob up to your desired AUX or MIDI switching command.

      I’m no big fan of Global mapping assignments, with one exception: a mapping to Perform Mode.  I’ve found it invaluable for switching Perform pages, especially when using two Looper instances.  CC#4 has become my permanent page-turner.

    • #188250

      Thanks for the response. I think am still missing something. In Perform Mode on Page one, when mapping Performance Parameters, I hold down the first LED to assign a Parameter, but only see Act/Byp, Act/Byp(M), Hotswitch1, Hotswitch1(M) and Tap on the [P] LED for instance. I see more options on the [A] LED, but that’s the only one.

      I want to be able to go to this program and immediately see the REC PLAY STOP (which I think is what you are saying). I don’t want to have to switch to that program, and then also have to hit another button twice to page through until I see those controls.

      • #188251
        Eventide Staff


        If you save the Program while the Looper page is active, the H90 will remember this and that will be the first perform page that is available when you load that Program. Let me know if you need help getting this to work.

    • #188259

      Okay thank you very much. I got it to work. But, I would have never figured that out on my own. Is that documented somewhere?

    • #188261

      Actually, it was a new enhancement that rode in with the additional Looper pages.  1.9.7 Release Notes.  You can usually find all of the latest breaking news in the sticky threads at the top of this forum.

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