H90 looper playback speed varies/jumps

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    • #175651

        I’ve experienced an apparent bug where the playback speed of a loop varies.

        Conditions:  Tempo Sync ON; Max Loop Lenth 8 beats; tempo set to same bpm as drum machine/metronome; for my test I played simple palm-muted 1/4 notes to the drum machine/metronome.  After only a few times through the loop, there is clear evidence that the playback has drifted from the original tempo (I’ve observed playback to lag).  Further, it doesn’t seem like the playback speed is consistent through the loop, as individual quarter notes may be fast or slow.

        User error is always a possibility, so if I’m doing something wrong, please let me know.  Otherwise, if it’s a bug, knowing that would be helpful also.

      • #175677
        Eventide Staff

          What version of the firmware are you running on the pedal?

        • #175681


          • #175683
            Eventide Staff

              Is your Metronome connected to the H90 via DIN MIDI? Is the Clock Source in the System menu set to DIN? In the TEMPO menu, is Source set to MIDI Clock?

            • #175684

                No, the metronome isn’t connected to the H90 at all.  Each device (metronome & H90) is using its own clock.

                EDIT:  to be clear, this isn’t a case where the metronome and H90 clocks are ever so slightly off and the discrepancy between them gradually grows.  It happens almost immediately, and even if you turned off the metronome, the timing issues would still be clearly audible.

              • #175837

                  Adding info from this afternoon’s experimentation… while I still think my originally reported issue is a genuine problem, I’ll note that the behavior does NOT occur when I feed the metronome (Singular Sound Beat Buddy) clock to the H90.

                • #175863

                    Another observation… the transport display on the 1-button looper has an issue.  I have an 8 beat loop repeating.  The transport counts through beats 1 through 7 correctly, but at beat 8 it displays beat 1 for 2 beats.  So 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 and so forth.  I think it’s remaining synched with the Beat Buddy clock for playback, but the display isn’t correct.

                    • #175901

                        Another observation… the transport display on the 1-button looper has an issue. I have an 8 beat loop repeating. The transport counts through beats 1 through 7 correctly, but at beat 8 it displays beat 1 for 2 beats. So 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 and so forth. I think it’s remaining synched with the Beat Buddy clock for playback, but the display isn’t correct.

                        Adding to this… it seems like the Loop Play-Length is getting confused.  For example, with an 8 beat Loop Length (recorded with Loop Max-Length at 8 beats and allowed to record all the way through and autoclose the loop), the Loop Play-Length will commonly change itself down to 7 beats.  This isn’t specific to 8 beat loops… I’ve seen it with 16, 32, etc.

                    • #175902

                        And while I’m at it, the Quick Knob behavior for Speed is really bad.  You have to turn it a LOT to get from 100 to -100 and a lot of the rotation doesn’t do anything.

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