H90 Looper question

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    • #166732

        Hey everyone! wanted to ask something about the looper on the H90, with the new hardware and etc, is the looper algo going to be improved? I was wondering since I wanted to buy a ditto for looping and the H9’s 12 second max for high quality was a bit limiting…


        Thanks 😀

      • #166733

          The looper is now 60 seconds.  Looper guys on THEGEARPAGE are also happy with some other changes that I don’t understand.  They are discussing it on the big H90 thread there.

        • #166734

            Gonna check it, thanks!!!

          • #166736

              Up to two stereo 60 sec. (at full quality) Looper instances, in series or parallel, with potential for a 3rd stereo looper via inserts.  Everything you loved about the OG, except much more of it.

              The Direct MIDI parameter assignments coming, enhanced Tempo Sync, the very cool 1-button Looper control, undo / redo, … badass enhancement to the TF / H9 implementations.

              • #166738

                  What was enhanced in Tempo Sync? I didn’t notice anything significantly different from the last rev of the TimeFactor manual.

                • #166756

                    What was enhanced in Tempo Sync? …

                    I could’ve phrased that in a better way; one that didn’t mirror feature descriptions in the manuals.  I’m trying to tone down my TL;DRs.

                    I meant that I can’t seem to confuse the H90 Loopers with rapid control parameter changes, like I could on occasion with the H9 version.  Be it tighter coding, processing overhead, or confirmation bias on my part, I haven’t been able to get the H90 Looper to slip from sync (unless that was the original intent).  ‘Next MIDI tick’ really feels like the next MIDI tick.  That’s important to me with long loops, while tossing frantic changes at them.

                    My acid test is the MIDI output from an MPX-1.  If the H90 can handle that (within reason – serial protocol), it can handle anything.  My essential secret weapon – I’m surprised these didn’t all get snapped up solely as MIDI generators, back at pre-pandemic pricing.

                  • #166795

                      60 seconds is great, although I don’t think it will 100% fit my needs (I loved to put entire songs on my old ditto with it’s 5min worth of loops, lololol)

                      thank you so much for the answer!!!!

                  • #166810

                      60 seconds is great, although I don’t think it will 100% fit my needs …

                      I hadn’t strayed away from the 2x 60 second max since I got the H90.  You inspired a little experiment.  Maybe I can get you 40-80% there.

                      [Disclaimer:  Monitoring through 2 Vox guitar amps and/or Sennheiser ‘phones; not flat nearfields, as yet]

                      • (+/-) 1X @2 minutes:  Nothing wrong with this.  Very little tradeoff – if any.
                      • (+/-) 1/2X @ 4 minutes:  Surprisingly, not a huge compromise here, either.  Especially if followed by most any kind of post-processing.
                      • (+/-) 1/4X @ 8 minutes:  Special FX territory.  Robots on ham radios.
                      • Bonus Fun:  Map the Speed parameters above to an expression pedal.

                      It may be a nice future-feature to export / import the looper data in & out to USB, or (more probably), in & out of the H90 Control app.  You could slide around that limitation now with a cumbersome workaround.  I can see where import / export might be quite useful, especially, for example, as one of two processors.

                      • #166828

                          That’s very interesting! I use the looper mostly as a writing tool, so I’m not looking for pristine quality (although the robots on ham radios is a bit too little quality, lololol), just something I can put entire tracks in to work around the bass, solo and etc.

                          honestly if there’s ever an update (unless it’s hardware limited) that allowed it to recreate the Ditto’s 5 min high quality sound it would be killer!

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