H90 Looper transport problem

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    • #166861

      I’m noticing that my H90 (original OS version – not yet updated) has difficulty looping cleanly – it seems to flub the beginning of the recording, sometimes affecting the loop timing and sometimes just omitting the first note even when the timing is correct. This appears to happen regardless of whether I’m using the on-device 1-button looper switch or the Record command mapped to a 3-button aux switch (I haven’t tried it with MIDI). Tempo is off on the Looper algorithm. I’d chalk it up to operator error, but I don’t have a problem punching in and out cleanly in SOS mode on my Volante. Any suggestions? (Really hoping this is a known bug that will go away if I update the device!)

    • #167332

      Any suggestions on this? Updating to the latest firmware did not correct the problem.

    • #167343

      I’m going to take a wild stab at this; no doubt you have already eliminated the usual suspects.  But I noticed having similar aux switch / looper issues at the start.  Turns out the parameters were triggering on (momentary switch) release.

      Aux switches that I’ve always used elsewhere; never adjusted the options (intentionally).  I use a pair of Boss FS-6s.  Flipped the polarity switches, and that’s what it was.  Momentary on switch press.

      I’m not projecting that as your issue there.  Something I ran into myself.

    • #167344

      I’m going to take a wild stab at this; no doubt you have already eliminated the usual suspects. But I noticed having similar aux switch / looper issues at the start. Turns out the parameters were triggering on (momentary switch) release. Aux switches that I’ve always used elsewhere; never adjusted the options (intentionally). I use a pair of Boss FS-6s. Flipped the polarity switches, and that’s what it was. Momentary on switch press. I’m not projecting that as your issue there. Something I ran into myself.

      An interesting observation. I don’t think it’s causing my issue, though, because I’m having the same problem with the onboard switches. Calibrating the aux switch also shows the appropriate triggers lighting up on press, not release.

    • #168412
      Eventide Staff

      Hi coirbidh_99

      Did the update solve your issues?

    • #168448

      Apologies – with one thing and another, I haven’t had a chance to give the new update a proper run-through. I’ll report back this weekend. Appreciate the check-in!

    • #168451
      Eventide Staff

      coirbidh_99, Actually, we are still working to resolve the looper issue. Please stay tuned for an update. I’ll post it here when it has been resolved.

    • #168632

      I just booted up, and noticed the 1.3.0 update available.  Release notes indicate 1-button looper improvements on rec/play transition, DynaVerb Omni, and other fixes.  About to check it out myself.

    • #168682

      I just booted up, and noticed the 1.3.0 update available. Release notes indicate 1-button looper improvements on rec/play transition, DynaVerb Omni, and other fixes. About to check it out myself.


      I don’t see 1.3.0. Is this a beta release?

    • #168683
      Eventide Staff

      Yes, this is technically a release for beta testers. Will be publicly available soon.

    • #168786

      The 1.3 update seems to have done the trick, at least as far as the 1-button looper is concerned – I haven’t tried mapping the aux switches yet. Thanks for getting on this!

    • #168787
      Eventide Staff

      Thank you for reporting back.

    • #169786

      Joecozzi.   Any update to the looper.  My problem is that when I assign a midi cc to that button and make it as a one looper it may work for a loop, but then stop working and reset the buttons function to the standard.  Is this still in the works for being fixed?  Thanks!

      • #169796
        Eventide Staff

        Sorry, it’s not quite clear what the issue you are having is, and this doesn’t seem to be the same thing as the original issue reported.

        Can you provide step-by-step instructions to reproduce the issue you are having?

    • #169799

      Sorry, it’s not quite clear what the issue you are having is, and this doesn’t seem to be the same thing as the original issue reported. Can you provide step-by-step instructions to reproduce the issue you are having?

      no problem. This happened when using the app or on the pedal.  I’ll tell you when assigning on the app. I add the basic loop to my pedal. I have the clock responding to midi to sync with my other pedals. When I assign the button (a or b depending on which side I added the effect) to trigger the 1-step function so I can start/stop/erase with one pedal using the Morningstar for midi.  I’ve tried both the assigning of the cc number and the midi learn.  From there it seems to work for maybe one loop then it gets reset to act/byp for that button.  What am I doing wrong and let me if you have any other questions.

      • #169831
        Eventide Staff

        Thanks for providing these instructions, but I can’t seem to reproduce this. When I assign a MIDI CC to control the 1-button looper, the mapping will remain after I have started/stopped the loop a few times.

        If you could record a video of this issue and email it to support@eventide.com that would be helpful.

    • #169835

      … This happened when using the app or on the pedal. I’ll tell you when assigning on the app. I add the basic loop to my pedal. I have the clock responding to midi to sync with my other pedals. When I assign the button (a or b depending on which side I added the effect) to trigger the 1-step function so I can start/stop/erase with one pedal using the Morningstar for midi. I’ve tried both the assigning of the cc number and the midi learn. From there it seems to work for maybe one loop then it gets reset to act/byp for that button. What am I doing wrong and let me if you have any other questions.

      I was working on something similar this past weekend.  I couldn’t reproduce the issue, either.

      Any chance you can hook up the Morningstar to a MIDI Monitor?  From an outsider’s POV, it seems to me like the Morningstar might be transmitting some additional MIDI messages?

      Just a guess, but I’d check the Global MIDI or other Program assignments in the H90, especially the various Act/Byp & HS parameters.  I’ve gotten nailed (inadvertently, more than once) by LEARN with an intermittent CC#0 Bank Change from an S/A Reflex, or upstream synth.

    • #171554
      Modica Music

      I am not clear as to how I can loop with h90 . Do I need an external pedal to trigger the loop recording function or can I assign one of the switches ? The manual is not clear on how to loop or it could just be me 🙂


      • #171556
        Eventide Staff

        The easiest way is to go into PERFORM mode and assign the “1-Button Looper” option to a footswitch:

        Press once to record
        Press again to play the loop
        Press and hold to undo/redo
        Double tap to stop playback
        While the loop is stopped, press and hold to empty the loop.

        You may also assign individual looper functions like Record, Play, Stop, Empty and UNDO/REDO to a footswitch in PERFORM mode. For these it’s best to assign them to an external aux switch or MIDI controller.

      • #186787

        it seems to be impossible to assign individual looper functions like Record, Play, Stop, Empty and UNDO/REDO to a footswitch in PERFORM mode because these functions are on a special perform page that is dedicated to the most useful Looper transport parameters. These footswitches cannot be remapped. so how we assign them directly?



      • #186788
        Eventide Staff

        If the looper is loaded into Slot A, press the A LED button to cycle through the options. Only 1 option may be selected. You can use the dedicated looper page to access more than 1 option.

        To map the parameters to MIDI controllers or aux switched:

        Press and hold any of the LED buttons (P/A/B) and this will open the Performance Parameter Mapping menu.

        Use Quick Knob 1 to select a parameter (example: Record) and use Quick Knob 2 to select a control source (example: CC1)

        Now, CC1 will toggle the record function.

    • #171557
      Modica Music

      Do i need an external foot switch to loop or can I use the h90 pedal ?


      • #171558
        Eventide Staff

        You may use the H90 pedal. As I explained above, the easiest way to loop is assign the looper algorithm to a side and go into PERFORM mode. Assign the 1-button looper to the corresponding footswitch.

    • #171561
      Modica Music

      Where do I find the 1-button looper ?


      • #171566

        It’s a Performance switch option. Check the manual if you aren’t sure how to assign switch functions in PERFORM mode.

      • #171718
        Peter Baird

        This took me quite a while to figure out as well. When you have the Basic Looper program loaded, the Looper is in the A slot. Press PERFORM. Since the middle of the three switches is mapped to the A slot, that’s the one you switch to 1-Button Looper. To do that, press the LED-backlit button just above the button to cycle through functions. Eventually you will get to 1-Button Looper.

    • #186811


      I think I know how to assign CC#, but each time I assign CC# in the looper of the H90, the looper stops to work.
      I press and hold any of the LED buttons (P/A/B) in PERFORM MODE in the 3thrd page where you can fin REC, PLAY and STOP.

      I assign for example:

      CC50 REC
      CC51 PLAY
      CC52 STOP
      CC53 undo/redo
      CC54 ERASE
      with the learn function in the H90
      but after that, I can not use the looper, even directly with the foot switch of the H90… that’s crazy

      • #186813
        Eventide Staff

        On your MIDI controller make sure you are assigning release actions for the REC, STOP, and  Undo/Redo commands.
        For example, your assignments should look like this:

        CC50 REC
        Msg1, Action:Press, CC#50, Value 127
        Msg2, Action: Release, CC#50, Value 0

        CC52 STOP
        Msg1, Action: Press, CC#50, Value 127
        Msg2, Action: Release, CC#50, Value 0

        CC53 Undo/Redo
        Msg1, Action: Press, CC#50, Value 127
        Msg2, Action: Release, CC#50, Value 0

        The reason you must do this is because the H90 is expecting similar behavior to momentary normally open switches.

    • #186841

      That works if I use looper in tempo mode OFF,
      but if I try to switch to tempo mode ON, with midi clock synchro, nothing works…
      I mean, even the looper with H90 foot switches stop to work once I select tempo mode ON…
      do you know why?



      • #186842
        Eventide Staff

        If the H90 is set to receive MIDI clock, but there is no MIDI clock being sent to the input, the looper transport will not function.

        Please try going to the H90 tempo menu (press and hold Presets + Parameters) and make sure the Source is set to MIDI Clock.

        If you stay on this menu, when you send MIDI clock to the H90 you should see the Tempo parameter update. If you change the BPM of the MIDI clock you are sending, you should see the H90 Tempo follow the BPM.


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