H90 loud hiss and hum

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    • #169448

        Just got my H90 and out of the box there is a noise floor on all programs/presets that makes it unusable. I sounds like a ground buzz with a loud shhhhhh whenever audio is engaged. Using the factory power supply, I’ve tried multiple cable swaps and power outlets, guitar strait in to H90 and out to amp, tweaked parameters, mix, gate, in/out gain to no avail. I have other digital pedals that run on the board with no issues. I’ve owned the H9 and a few other Eventide delays, but never had this problem with any of those. At this point  I feel pretty certain it may just be a defective unit and return it to the retailer for a replacement. Any other recommendations?

      • #169449
        Eventide Staff

          Please contact support@eventide.com for the best troubleshooting. If they determine there is in fact a problem, they will be able to take care of you directly.

        • #169540

            5 days no response from support. Sending it back to the retailer to exchange for another unit

          • #169541
            Eventide Staff

              Hi pb4567string,

              This very odd. When you emailed support, did you get an email verifying that the message was received?

            • #169549

                I did not receive a verification email. I will try again. Thank you

              • #169550

                  Ok just sent another request and the verification email popped up this time. I look forward to their assessment. Thank you for the info Joe!

                • #171603

                    I have this problem too. For example, the ground hum is loud enough that all pitch programs play an audible chord in the background; they are harmonising the hum – not hugely loud but enough to make the unit unusable. I tried an alternative PSU and it is the same. I have used Eventide products for 20 years and know this can’t be right. I should just return this unit, right?

                  • #171604

                      Did you resolve it pb4567string?

                    • #173478

                        I have the same problem. The hum <span style=”font-size: inherit;”>is louder with the H90 power supply. Using using one of the Eventide power units. The hiss is different from program to program. I imported some programs I wrote from my H9 and the H90 added more noise. </span>

                        • #173497
                          Eventide Staff

                            Do you have USB hooked up to the pedal while you’re playing it? Also, can you describe your signal flow? Do you have any other pedals in the chain? Are you going straight into the amp, etc?

                        • #173630

                            This is why it is imperative to unlock the Bluetooth feature!

                          • #173631

                              The noise is louder with the usb. I find it manageable when using my laptop instead of my desktop. Also choosing the correct input/output settings helps

                            • #173644
                              Bert Sleeckx

                                This is what I hear.

                                00:00:00   Amp no fx with loop:      -28.1 dbfs

                                00:13:50   H90 no usb                  -17.8 dbfs

                                00:27:00   H90 usb                        -4.5  dbfs

                                00:40:00  H90 usb short cables -5.8 dbfs

                                00:53:50 Tc flashback no usb         -23.3 dbfs

                                01:07:00 Tc flashback usb              -22.9 dbfs


                                Tried everything, other cables, everything in the same socket, after a powerconditioner, without powerconditioner. Changed IO, bypass, killdry settings in H90.


                                Guitar->H90 input1

                                H 90 output1->Duotone  H&K input

                                DuotoneH&K send->H90 input3

                                H90 output3->DuotoneH&K return

                                It’s a parallel loop and the amptone is kind off classic rock(no shitload of gain)

                                How can I fix this? Or is this a faulty unit??

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                              • #173703
                                Bert Sleeckx

                                  Ok, just tried the H90 only in the loop of the amp, and the noise and hiss are almost gone. Input 3- output3.

                                  But I need dual mode for whammy-wah-octaver and other pre stuff.

                                  Seems to me that there is a problem with the unit when it’s in dual mode and in the parallel loop of a distorted tube amp…..

                                  Or am I doing something wrong?

                                  • #173923
                                    Eventide Staff

                                      Seems to me that there is a problem with the unit when it’s in dual mode and in the parallel loop of a distorted tube amp….. Or am I doing something wrong?

                                      Can you describe the problem or are you still referring to noise when using USB?

                                      When using H90 in any amp with a parallel loop, the H90 needs to be used in Kill Dry mode to avoid any type of comb-filtering. If the amps effects loop has a dry/wet balance control, it’s preferred to make it function as a serial loop by setting to 100% wet. Then, you’ll be able to use the H90 without Kill Dry on.

                                    • #173931
                                      Bert Sleeckx

                                        Hello Joe,thanks for your responce.

                                        The H90 is in Global Kill dry mode, the amps loop has a dry/wet balance but 100% is

                                        still parallel! It’s not possible to make it serial.

                                        There is a 50Hz noise when the H90 (in dual mode) is connected like this:

                                        Guitar->H90 input1

                                        H 90 output1->Duotone  H&K input

                                        DuotoneH&K send->H90 input3

                                        H90 output3->DuotoneH&K return

                                        In the amps clean mode it’s not a problem.

                                        In overdrive mode it’s a lot worse,

                                        and in boost mode it’s almost unusable.

                                        When I connect usb then it’s only usable in clean mode! I’ve made recordings off the noise.

                                        But when I put the H90 only in the parallel loop there’s no 50Hz noise, and almost no usb noise, but then I can’t use Whammy, Octaver, Wah, Weedwacker…….


                                    • #173932
                                      Eventide Staff

                                        the amps loop has a dry/wet balance but 100% is still parallel! It’s not possible to make it serial.

                                        It’s possible that effects loop functions differently than other amps with balance control. ENGL amps, for example, have a balance control and 100% generates a serial FX loop according to the manual.

                                        There is a 50Hz noise when the H90 (in dual mode) is connected like this: Guitar->H90 input1 H 90 output1->Duotone H&K input DuotoneH&K send->H90 input3 H90 output3->DuotoneH&K return In the amps clean mode it’s not a problem.

                                        This specific frequency is indicative of a ground loop in the system. You can try placing an isolation transformer in between the amp’s FX send and the H90 and the H90 Out to the effects loop return. It’s possible only one of these will solve the issue.

                                      • #173939
                                        Bert Sleeckx

                                          Should this do the trick?

                                          You must be logged in to view attached files.
                                        • #173959
                                          Eventide Staff

                                            Yes, that is a great option especially because it can be used for two channels.

                                            • #174222
                                              Bert Sleeckx

                                                Well, I just received my isolation transformer. I put it in the chain like you said but it didn’t work :         “This specific frequency is indicative of a ground loop in the system. You can try placing an isolation transformer in between the amp’s FX send and the H90 and the H90 Out to the effects loop return. It’s possible only one of these will solve the issue.”

                                                Luckily it worked when I put it before the amp input and with a groundlift.

                                                Does this make sense to you, and is it safe?

                                            • #174223
                                              Eventide Staff

                                                Does this make sense to you, and is it safe?

                                                Yes, it perfectly fine. Ground loops are a challenge to track down. Glad you solved the issue.

                                              • #175561

                                                  I’ve noticed a slightly different noise issue. It only occurs when I connect the H90 to my MacBook Pro via USB to use the H90 Control App. As soon as I connect the cable, I get a noticeable amount of “computer noise” coming through my Scarlett 4i4 audio interface (same issue with my Scarlett 2i2). This is not 60Hz ground hum. It sounds like it’s a function of what the H90 processors are doing… kind of like if you float your cellphone over your guitar pickups. As I navigate through through the H90 Control App, that pattern of noise varies slightly. I’ve tried a couple of different US cables… same issue. Any ideas? Is there a USB “isolation” device?

                                                  • #175562
                                                    Eventide Staff

                                                      Hi garyslama,

                                                      This interference is common with USB cables, unfortunately. I have heard people say that a 3rd party cable with a ferrite choke or clip-on EMI noise filter may help to mitigate this problem but I have not tested this.

                                                  • #176109

                                                      Tried a USB-C cable with ferrite chokes on both ends… no change in the noise level.


                                                      Just saw that Eventide is going to be supporting Bluetooth connectivity, so… problem solved!

                                                      Thank you, Eventide!

                                                      On Monday, November 27th, Eventide will be making a public beta of firmware providing Bluetooth functionality to the H90. By installing Application Firmware version 1.7.1 (Beta) via H90 Control, users will be able to pair to their pedals to MacOS computers as well as Apple iPads to control the H90 wirelessly using the app.

                                                    • #177313

                                                        Mine just started to do this with the USB cable plugged in too. Even in bypass mode it’s just a noise generator & not usable. I need to have the USB for clock sync.

                                                        It doesn’t really make sense why considering that no audio is passing thru the USB cable & the unit is being powered by a power supply.

                                                        With a highest quality USB-C cable direct into a macbook this unit should be DEAD quiet. Never have I ever had any USB problem ever like this even with really inexpensive gear.

                                                        Are we sure there just isn’t a problem with the USB ports on these units?

                                                        • #177407
                                                          Eventide Staff

                                                            Have you changed anything else in your setup? Perhaps you have relocated where some devices are and connected things differently?

                                                            USB ground loops are common with many devices, not just the H90. The best thing you can do is try having all of your gear powered from the same outlet.

                                                        • #179041

                                                            The output as well as the hum both got louder with the current update.

                                                            • #179137
                                                              Eventide Staff

                                                                Sorry, it’s not clear what the issue you are reporting is.

                                                                Is the noise you mention only an issue when you are connected to a computer using USB?

                                                                Which firmware is installed on your H90?

                                                                It would be best to contact support@eventide.com if you’d like to pursue this further.

                                                            • #181665

                                                                Hi, I just recently purchased an H90 and I find there is hum and phasing noise when I use the flange or and rotary algorithm  or delays. Ive tried it in the FX loop. Straight in the amp, with and without distortion, (both before and after the H90) . I have an H9 ive been using for quite some time and its dead quiet even with distortion. I updated the software, reset the factory presets. Im at a loss here. Any input would help.




                                                              • #181666

                                                                  My issue ending up coming from a non-powered USB hub that wasn’t even in the chain.

                                                                  But ideally you want all your gear to have the same ground or you’ll get this problem.

                                                                  I still feel there is a design issue as no audio passes thru the USB – seems like some kind of isolator is missing.




                                                                • #181667

                                                                    moreigloos I have everything coming from a great power sully on my board. Still noise. Scratching my head at this point.

                                                                    • #181669
                                                                      Eventide Staff

                                                                        Sorry to hear you are having issues.

                                                                        Can you please contact support@eventide.com and provide a video that shows the noise you are experiencing?

                                                                        It would be best if you can use a simple setup, such as a guitar > H90 > amp with nothing else in the chain. If the issue is only with certain algorithms, it would help if you could show this as well.

                                                                    • #181729

                                                                        Oh boy, the hum is out of control on my H90, making it unusable. I’m simply running In 1 and Out 1 to the FX Send and Return of my Mezzabarba Skill 30 combo.  Other delay units I’ve plugged into the FX Loop (Boss Space Echo, Earthquaker Avalanche Run) are quiet as a mouse. It’s just the H90, which is causing all kinds of problems. I’ve not used the unit at all since purchasing it brand new, and was saving it for recording and it’s now probably out of warranty. I do suspect that it’s some sort of setting in the unit, as pressing the ‘Parameters’ button gets rid of it.  I’m not much of a gear tweaker and was counting on the H90 Control to save some patches both for live use and recording. I’m posting this as a last resort to see if I can salvage anything from this unit.  I just did the latest firmware update too.  Any help would be greatly appreciated as I was really looking forward to getting creative. Thank you.

                                                                        • #181734
                                                                          Eventide Staff

                                                                            When you use the H90 do you have it connected to a computer via USB at the same time?

                                                                        • #181737

                                                                            Thanks so much for the speedy reply… okay, so I think I’ve got things resolved. I reconfigured my setup for the four cable method in Dual Mode (rather than running exclusively in the loop). This has resolved the hum/noise issue (still don’t know why it was there in the first place, but I’ll take it!)… I need to work the levels of the unit (while getting used to it), but will do it tomorrow, as I don’t need the cops at my door!   Thanks again for the prompt reply and I’ll report back tomorrow… so far so good! (What a great sounding unit!)….

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