H90 midi assignement for Looper

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    • #186773


      Impossible to find a way to assign a CC# to the 3 foot switches P A and B for © in the basic looper for the 3rd page in the Perform Mode.…

      It seems that we can assign the three foot switches in the page 1 and page 2, but not in page 3, but impossible to change the page ant to put the 3 commands in the 2 first pages.

      really boring…any ideas?



    • #186774
      Eventide Staff

      The Looper page is a special perform page that is dedicated to the most useful Looper transport parameters. These footswitches cannot be remapped.

      The normal perform parameters page allows you to remap the footswitches, but you can only assign P/A/B parameters to the respective P/A/B footswitches.

      Press and hold any of the LED buttons (P/A/B) and this will open the Performance Parameter Mapping menu.

      Use Quick Knob 1 to select a parameter (example: Record) and use Quick Knob 2 to select a control source (example: CC1)

      Now, CC1 will toggle the record function.

    • #186810

      I think I know how to assign CC#, but each time I assign CC# in the looper of the H90, the looper stops to work. I press and hold any of the LED buttons (P/A/B) in PERFORM MODE in the 3thrd page where you can fin REC, PLAY and STOP. I assign : CC50 REC CC51 PLAY CC52 STOP CC53 undo/redo CC54 ERASE with the learn function in the H90 but after that, I can not use the looper, even directly with the foot switch of the H90… that’s crazy

    • #186814
      Eventide Staff

      Your post has been responded to here: https://www.eventideaudio.com/forums/topic/h90-looper-transport-problem/#post-186813

      It looks like you have posted on a few threads with similar questions. If you continue to have issues, please post all of your questions on one thread so it will be easier for us to respond to you.

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