H90 MIDI/Programming Questions

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    • #166787

      Hey! I’m seriously looking at the H90, but have a few questions I’m trying to figure out that the manual isn’t completely clear on.

      1) Can I use MIDI to change the algorithm and/or preset inside of a patch? If yes, does doing so have spillover? I’m thinking I’d mostly use an H90 as a delay pedal, but when I don’t need two delays it would be nice to be able to be spontaneous and have a couple algorithms/presets I can throw into the mix without having to have already created tons of patches!

      2) How well does the H90 handle consecutive MIDI messages? IE: upon loading a patch with two delay patches, could I send CC messages with the PC message to both load the patch and simultaneously change the tempo subdivisions of both delays? I’ve had issues with other pedals not being able to handle multiple consecutive MIDI messages in the past, so I gotta ask since I do this a ton with my rig.

      3) Am I able to assign an LFO to the rate of a tremolo in any of those algorithms? I’d love to be able to create a ramping trem effect with this!

      4) Do Squareplug SP400s (or similar) fit if I’m only aiming to use a single set of stereo inputs/outputs?


    • #166793
      Eventide Staff

      Hi, thanks for your interest in the H90. To answer your questions:

      1. A Program change sent to the H90 will load a new Program, which is a combination of 2 Algorithm Presets. You cannot send a PC that will only change one of these Presets, it will always load a new Program. You would need to make your Programs before hand to have the desired Presets, and then load them via PC messages. You can use the pedal UI or H90 Control to load a new Preset quickly and easily, but this cannot be done remotely.

      2. I just tested this with Ableton by sending a PC followed by 3 CC’s mapped to 3 different parameters and the H90 handled this just fine.

      3. Yes, TremoloPan has the option of using a Ramp for the mod source. You could probably accomplish this with some other Algorithms too, Undulator is great with a Ramp mod.

      4. These may fit, but I can’t confirm this. I don’t have any of these to test the size, and the measurements look like it would be a tight fit for a stereo pair. We like the Squareplug SPS4 connecters.

      Let me know if there are any other questions I can help with.

      • #166796

        Darn, I figured I couldn’t do the first thing, but I really hoped! Maybe that will be added to CC programming functionality in the future? 😉

        Thanks for all the other questions too! SPS4’s won’t fit on my board, but I have a solution that will work (even if it requires solderless plugs…yuck).

    • #166797

      Off topic but anyone compare h90 to fractal fm3 yet ??

      • #166798
        Eventide Staff

        There are some discussions/comparisons on the Fractal Audio forums.

        It’s best not to go off topic on these forums threads, so if you have a topic to discuss that does not relate to a thread, please create a new topic. This makes it easier for users to find the information they’re looking for.

    • #166799

      Darn, I figured I couldn’t do the first thing, but I really hoped! Maybe that will be added to CC programming functionality in the future? 😉 Thanks for all the other questions too! SPS4’s won’t fit on my board, but I have a solution that will work (even if it requires solderless plugs…yuck).

      SP400s will fit if you only use Input and Output 1/2. You can rotate the plugs by 90 degrees and plug in like this:

      Input        | Output

      ->(1)  (3)  | (1) <-  (3)

      ->(2)  (4) | (2)<-  (4)


    • #172556

      I’m using a morningstar Mc8 to control My h90.

      I’m trying to program a clean tone setting with all my pedals so that when I step on the switch it turn off all My pedals. Like a reset button or sorts.

      I only see a toggle for P Act/Byp – is there a Bypass only CC message ?

      any work around ?


    • #172560

      Thanks so much tbskoglund,

      appreciate it.

      don’t know how I missed that

      • #172561
        Eventide Staff

        You’re welcome!

    • #177650


      I am trying to recall presets with my pbc 6 to the H90. However, every time I try and either do a bank recall or a simple PC message it always goes back to bank 10. How can I recall my presets?

      • #177663
        Eventide Staff

        You’ll need to figure out exactly what messages you are sending from your MIDI controller and setup the H90 accordingly.

        You must use PC messages to load specific Programs on the H90, example: send PC 10 to load Program 10.

        You can use CC messages to go up and down the Program List, or Load a Program that you’ve queued up. Similarly, you can go up and down by Banks.

        The full list of MIDI mapping options can be found here: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.7.1/content/appendix/global.html

    • #178264


      I’m trying to figure out a smooth way to use an external midi device, Morningstar MC6 Pro, to quickly scroll though the H90’s presets. I initially tried using the increment and decrement external midi feature. That works, except that my preset list only has like 55 presets in it. So scrolling through all of the blank presets is tedious. I then tried sending PC messages and using the counter feature in the midi device to automatically increment and decrement the PC message. Problem is I that using PC messages not only cues up the preset, it loads it. This results in extremely slow scrolling through the list and even after I stop pressing the footswitch on the midi device, the H90 continues to slowly load each and every preset.

      Is there a way to accomplish what I am trying to achieve with existing features in the H90?

      If not, could we either add a way to remove the empty spaces when scrolling through the preset list, or could we add a global option to either cue only or cue and load presets when using PC messages?


      • #178274
        Eventide Staff

        Hello. Can you be more specific with what the issue you are having is?

        The Playlist will always be 99 Programs, but if you have Programs 1-55 consecutively, you will only need to increment+load once for each Program to go up the list.

        Is the issue you are describing due to having many INIT Programs between the 55 Programs you are using?

      • #178275

        Yes, that is the exact problem I am describing. Once I get to 55 I have to go back down, or if I start at 1, it takes a long time to get to 55.

      • #178276
        Eventide Staff

        In Bank Mode, you can hold the P footswitch and it will take you back to Bank 1. I would suggest using your MIDI controller to Bank up/down, and using the H90 footswitches to select from one of the 3 Programs using the P/A/B footswitches. Then, you can hold the P footswitch to get back to Bank 1 when needed.

        If your list is not optimized because there are INIT Programs in between the other Programs you are using, the only thing that can be done is organizing your list in a better way. Using H90 Control for this makes it very easy to adjust the order of your Programs.

        Let me know if that helps.

    • #178278

      The information helps a little bit in terms of understanding an alternative method to navigating. But in my opinion it would be easier to automatically not show empty presets or to allow greater midi control by providing an option to only cue up the program when sending a PC message (rather than auto load it) that way when using a looper PC counter that only goes to 55, that external midi device could smoothly loop through only the presets I have loaded and skip over the blanks ones. Something to consider for a future release at least.

      Thank you for your support and a great product!

    • #180706

      I understand that the H90 is based around program. Which can be very effective when you use mainly the pedal has itself. But, with Midi i think it’s more limiting since you can program it to behave the same way with PC message. Is there a way or a plan to change preset independently like when you hit the preset button on the H90 and scroll throught all the algorithms? I should have read more before buying. It thought that the H90 could work like 2 H9. What i really want it to do is to while playing chose any preset without having to make a lot of programs for different situation. It ok if you got songs and all set. But it’s not fluid when jamming or improvising, the way i play and connect to music it’s more something i feel on the moment.

      Also be able to control the inserts on/off via midi. I think this way it would make it an incredibly better pedal.

      Is there a way that i missed ?




    • #182844

      Another Midi Question.
      I use the Boss ES-5 to load presets from the Eventide H90.
      I see how this works with the presets available, but how do i know which PC Message i need to send from the Boss ES-5 to the Eventide, when i made my own presetlist in one of the 4 user lists.

      What PC message do i need to send, when i want to load preset 1 from the factory list and at some other point the Preset 1 from my own list?

      Thank you.

    • #182848

      PC #1. When you switch to a different Program List, it will follow the same format below.  Access to one loaded Program List at a time.

      It is a 1-100 PC-to-Program mating with your currently loaded Program List.  There’s a System / MIDI option to offset by 1 for PC #0-99.

    • #182849

      Thank you very much.
      So you cannot switch between for example Preset 1 in List 2 and Preset 4 in List 1 with an external midi device?

      • #182851
        Eventide Staff

        Correct. the H90 only receives PC messages 1-100 to load Programs from the currently selected list. You must go into the system settings or use H90 Control to select a different list, this cannot be done using MIDI.

        Using H90 Control it is very easy to make duplicate lists with variations of the different Programs you are using.

    • #182853

      Thank you very much!

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