H90 midi question

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    • #168992

      In the H9 there was this midi receive configuration. Where do I find it in the H90?


    • #169006
      Eventide Staff

      There is currently no settings to adjust the PC options on the H90. We’re working on an option to offset the PC numbers by 1 so the H90’s PC numbers match other equipment that start at PC 0.

    • #169008

      is there a way to bypass the H90 via midi?


    • #169010
      Eventide Staff

      Yes, using the global mapping options you can map a CC to bypass the Program or Presets: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.3.0/content/appendix/global.html

    • #169041

      I’m trying to put the H90 on bypass using cc 0, bit it is not working. What did I do wrong this time?IMG_20230211_113340

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    • #169045

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>With Act / Byp (M), you need to send CC#0 at a value of less than 64 for Bypass.  That is, any value between 0 and 63.</p>
      <p style=”text-align: left;”><span style=”font-size: inherit;”>Any CC#0 value from 64 through 127 results in an Active state.  That way, you can use two switches with different values of CC#0 to control Active or Bypass.</span></p>
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>It’s also possible to ‘punch in’ Active with a switch programmed for, say, CC#0 – 127 on press, and CC#0 – 0 on release.</p>

      • #169049

        yeah, that’s wht is in the manual, and that is what I did (from what I could understand – the photo shows exactly the midi CC configuration screen with the CC=0.) only, it didn’t work, it does not go to bypass.

    • #169051

      Not sure what is going on, then.  It works as expected here: version  Tested using a MIDI Baby 3, Source Audio Reflex; I expect the FCB-1010 here, or CC#0 via DAW Transmit will yield the same results.

      I even tested Aux switches to see if they might diverge from MIDI; as they have mirrored parameters in Global Mapping.  Works the same.

      Unfortunately, there is no Learn function in Global Mapping, like there is with individual parameter control.  Makes for a great test to confirm what you’re sending is getting received by the H90.

      You could try sending CC#0 to (any) parameter, using Learn, to see what happens there.  Without narrowing down the range, you should see (any) parameter snap between minimum & maximum values.

      Better still, a MIDI Monitor would give you back exact CC Number & Values at a glance.

    • #169052

      One more thought: I keep reading you can’t get into Bypass.  That leads me to believe your MIDI controller (what are you using?) might be sending CC#0, but only with a single value, somewhere between 64 & 127.

      Instead, try mapping it to [P] Act / Byp (without the (M).  See what happens.  A ‘high’ value will alternate between Active & Bypass with subsequent switch presses.

    • #169056

      Maybe I’m following the wrong concept. In the first image there’s what I did in the H9: pc 0 = bypass. What I’m doing in the H90 is CC# = 0 and expecting it to bypass. Is that correct?

    • #169057

      That may very well be what’s going on here.  The differences between MIDI configuration in the H9 & the H90 will naturally lead to some confusion among longtime H9 users.  To summarize what Tyler said above:

      • In the H90, PC messages will only affect Program Changes currently, and cannot be remapped, or used to trigger other functions.
      • The H90 PCs are currently ‘off by one’, relative to the H9 MIDI implementation.
      • The H9 has the ability to Activate OR Bypass OR Toggle Between Active & Bypass, via PC or CC message.  The H90 implements 2 ways for Act / Bypass via CC only.  It doesn’t feature mappings to Activate or Bypass individually.

      To mimic the H9 Bypass-only in the H90, send CC#0 with a value of zero (0-63).  You will need to re-Activate with a 2nd CC message, Aux switch, or the onboard switches.

      If your MIDI controller only sends CC#0 with a value of 127 (64-127, or it can’t be reconfigured), you will have to live with 2 switch presses to Bypass (currently).

    • #169063

      I think I figured out. I was mixing Program Change with Control Change. That’s it. my H9 was put in bypass by PC=0. Looks like the H90 does not understand PC=0, so, that’s it. my midi controller only sends PC. I’ll have to adapt.

    • #169100

      WhatsApp Image 2023-02-14 at 12.04.26

      • #169107

        well, I took off the switcher/midi controller, and routed the fuzz (and ressurrected a second fuzz) through the H90. It is going to be like that until the MIDI PC comes back (if ever…).

    • #176714



      Resurrecting this thread to ask if the mentioned option on the H9 app of remapping the Program Change messages is already available on the H90. It would be a deal breaker for me to purchase the pedal in case it is not still available.

      • #176718

        Not yet.  If you can’t remap in your other MIDI devices, or deploy a hardware / software event processor, then it’s currently 1:1 PC number, transmit or receive.

      • #176751

        Thank you for your answer. I’ll use my good old Pitchfactor till then.

        I suppose there is no estimated date for the release of this update, am I wrong?

      • #176766
        Eventide Staff

        Correct, no timeline for custom MIDI maps on the H90, but I can log this as a request.

      • #176768

        Thank you, that would be great.


        In my case, I’m already using an Engl Z9 with my Engl Savage and Pitchfactor, and it is a very convenient controller to change between different amp settings. It only sends Program Changes, unfortunately. So, having the possibility to change amp settings and H90 presets simultaneously with the press of a button would be awesome.

      • #176770
        Eventide Staff

        This is possible with the H90 using 1:1 Program Changes, you just need to create your H90’s List in a way where the Program numbers match the Program numbers of your Amp’s Program numbers.

        How many different amp settings are you using? It shouldn’t be very difficult to have this match up with the H90’s Programs.

        Personally, I prefer 1:1 Program Changes on all my devices since it is a simple way to think about everything. I always know that my synth/H90 will share the same Program numbers, and I can create my lists accordingly without having to think any further.


      • #176771

        Yes, of course I could (and should) do that. I somehow find it easier and faster to remap the MIDI Program Change list than reorganizing the preset list with the H9 app.

        In any case the Z9 allows “only” 10 amp settings, so making my preferred presets on the H90 list match those amp settings wouldn’t signify a lot of programming work.

        Thank you for reminding me that option.

      • #176772
        Eventide Staff

        You’re welcome. I’m not entirely sure how the Z9 works with your setup. It only offers 10 amp presets, does it send more than 10 PCs to other devices? Do you only use 10 amp presets and 10 PitchFactor presets total?

        Another thing to point out is the H90 has many more effects and features than the PitchFactor. If you are looking to upgrade from the PitchFactor because you’d like more effects, more routing options, a new control app, etc. then it seems like it would be worth looking into a different approach to organizing your Programs or different options for MIDI control of your amp if you are currently limited to 10 presets.

        It looks like the amp has a built in MIDI DIN input and the amp itself can store more than 10 presets. You could easily connect the H90 directly to the amp via MIDI and take care of all of your Program Changes using only the H90.

      • #176787

        Awesome, I had never thought about using the H90 as a MIDI controller directly for my amp… I’ll definitely consider it. Another reason to buy this thing right now, good job Eventide!

      • #176789
        Eventide Staff

        Happy to help! Let me know if you have any other questions.

    • #177101

      This is possible with the H90 using 1:1 Program Changes, you just need to create your H90’s List in a way where the Program numbers match the Program numbers of your Amp’s Program numbers. How many different amp settings are you using? It shouldn’t be very difficult to have this match up with the H90’s Programs. Personally, I prefer 1:1 Program Changes on all my devices since it is a simple way to think about everything. I always know that my synth/H90 will share the same Program numbers, and I can create my lists accordingly without having to think any further.

      Is there a way to bypass the H90 with a Program Change MIDI message?

      • #177126
        Eventide Staff

        No, you must use a CC message to bypass/active the Program or Preset.

        A PC message sent to the H90 will load a specific Program from your list of 99 Programs. If you save your Program in the bypassed state, it will load in the bypassed state when you send that PC number.

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