H90 MIDI solutions

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    • #188160

      Hey! I have a pedal sending MIDI to the H90 for expression via program hotknob. I’d like to also send MIDI PC messages to my other pedals from the H90. So, I assume I need to use MIDI transmit. This will prevent me from passing that CC going into the H90 thru to other pedals.

      So, trying to figure out a solution. If I’m using a usb host, could I both send and receive MIDI CC/PC messages? Could I thru CC messages?

      Could I receive via USB and then send via DIN?

    • #188171
      Eventide Staff


      What is your pedal that is sending MIDI? What MIDI channels are you using? If you do not want certain devices to receive certain MIDI messages, it is best to assign each device to a different channel, and then use the channel configuration to determine which device receives what messages.


    • #188181

      I think, maybe, you didn’t understand.

      I just need to know if the H90 can send and receive MIDI simultaneously via USB.

      Or, if the H90 can only receive MIDI through USB but not also send it; could I receive the MIDI via USB while also generating and sending MIDI via 5-pin din?

      As for your questions:

      What is your pedal that is sending MIDI?
      The Sonuus Voluum.

      What MIDI channels are you using?

      Sort of irrelevant. I want the MIDI CC message that is sent from the Sonuus to go to and then thru the H90 to other pedals downstream WHILE being able to generate MIDI PC messages with the H90 itself to send to other pedals downstream.

      They can all be on the same channel. The goal is to use an incoming MIDI CC as expression for the H90 while doing two additional things: 1. Also use that CC message downstream as MIDI expression for other pedals and 2. Still use the H90 to send PC messages to other pedals downstream so that they change presets when I change presets on the H90

      <span style=”font-size: inherit;”>If you do not want certain devices to receive certain MIDI messages, it is best to assign each device to a different channel, and then use the channel configuration to determine which device receives what messages.</span>

      This is not a goal that I have for my setup.

      Trying to utilize the H90 as a MIDI controller for other pedals, while keeping from having it hogging the CC signal from the other MIDI expression pedal (Sonuus Voluum). The Sonuus has both 5-pin din and USB MIDI out.

    • #188193
      Eventide Staff

      Thanks for elaborating on your setup. The H90 only receives MIDI via USB. It will not transmit MIDI information from the USB input to the DIN output.

      The H90 is not a USB host, so it is not likely that you could connect the Sonuus Voluum via USB to control the H90.

      Sorry, but you’ll need to find an alternative way to accomplish what you are looking for.

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