H90 Modulate „Insert Mix“

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 Modulate „Insert Mix“

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    • #176432

        <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hello, I’ve a useful request:</p>
        being able to long press „insert mix“ and modulate this would be great. As a dry/wet crossfade into the external insert fx.

        Additional; internal synced modulators would be cool. With a “depth” mod as well.


      • #176477

          Any possibility for this, especially the first idea? It would open up the pedal a lot for experimental tones

        • #176479
          Eventide Staff


            Yes, we have a request logged for external control of Insert parameters. I can’t provide anytime timeline for when this may be added, but I’ll add a note that another user has requested this.

            Can you be more specific about your 2nd request? Are you referring to a built in global LFO/mod source that could modulate various parameters on the H90?

            • #176484

                Hello and thank you for your fast reply.

                As said; that would be very useful, as one can “keep” more of the beautiful H90 algos in the mix by adding external pedals for duties. The idea is to bring the bring the insert in and out and let the H90 Algos dynamically react to this change. So a full “instrumental FX” integration so to speak.

                Yes, an synced LFO of some sort but with control over its VCA or Depth , so similarly, being able to bring the Modulation in and out with expressions and Midi.

                The whole idea behind of what im writing is to open the Pedal up for external sequencing.

            • #184112

                Seconding this request. Perfect way to quickly adjust the mix of a ToneX One 🙂

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