H90 more presets (like from the Plugins) of the algorithms?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 more presets (like from the Plugins) of the algorithms?

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    • #176217

      Have the H90 pedal since yesterday and still try to wrap my head around it with manual and software companion and stuff – but getting there…

      What I wonder: are there not more presets to dial in for the individual algorithms?

      I especially love the H910 plugin and all of it’s presets – very few there on the pedal. Seems I will have to dial in much manually (also okay!), – was just curious about that. For me some stuff is just less obvious to dial in from only having the knobs to look at…

    • #176229

      Yes, I imagine dialing in H910 presets from the plugin would present some difficulties.  The interface and some parameters don’t line up identically.  I’m going to say that process will get easier, once you’ve navigated the H90 for a while longer.

      There are ten H910 / H949 presets at the Preset Share section to get you started.  You’ll may have to wait a bit for an upcoming H90 update that fixes the import of H9 Presets / Lists into H90 Control.  I believe there are additional H910 / H949 screenshot presets scattered throughout this forum.


      Even though I only see three H910 / H949 offerings currently uploaded there, I’ll point you to the Eventide H90 section of the PatchStorage site.  Most of the H90 algorithms are well-represented there.

    • #176250

      Thanks a lot for the advice – and I will gladly take your playlist as starting point for tweaking my own presets!

      What I couldn’t find in the manual: how can I import also presets and not whole playlists? Any hint on that one?

    • #176251

      …ahh found it: via the press library (of course)  🙂

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